Job Portal

Resume writing? Employers are busy people and rarely spend more than 30-45 seconds on a resume when they have 500 more so you can read. They are not interested in the whole story, since only want to know what are the best at. So, make your resume to the point and clearly showcase their key skills. In fact some recruiters prefer only single page resumes. Try to resume the services provided by our counselors at 3) Self-marketing is the key? When you are applying for employment are actually selling. Thus, the safe sound good and convincing for an interview, but without exaggerating about their achievements.

4) Knowledge of your field? It is very important to know its field. Brush up on the who’s who in the field, current trends, competition, and the two do not and so on. Keep up with the latest developments by keeping your eyes and ears open. 5) job search tools? you could start your job search by scanning newspaper classifieds, talking to consultants connected to employment and job websites first. Be regular in your search, spend enough time on this and the follow-up with companies which have been applied. For an Internet job search and employment in India can log on and vacancies available in your area of expertise. 6) to the network? It is worth knowing people in high places. Or the job seeker’s world “of people in the right place.

“Networking is an important tool that can help immensely in the job search. Continue friends or contacts in the organization that wants to be, talk to them, and might be able to open new doors for your dream job . 7) Have patience? “Patience is a virtue.” Being desperate and anxious, not very helpful, but it can ruin your job search. If this is your first step towards your career then think before taking each step. No feel inferior because you are a cool, after all you spend time, energy and intelligence in the company hiring you.