
If you did not, investment funds are a society of ucis in which those who participate receive greater profitability for the sum of their capital than what would win individually. Although there are many types of investment funds, there are two different general types you should know. The first are the funds income or cast. These are in which is periodically distrtibuye a benefit or more than one institution through dividends to all participants of the investment fund. The other general type of investment funds are capitalisation or growth funds. These are very popular and consist of that society that manages the investment fund, accumulates all income after reinvertirlas and revenues in the Fund’s assets doing heritage to grow increasingly.

Investment funds consist of several parts, these are the venturers that may be natural or legal person who are making contributions to the Fund. The management company, the depository institution and holdings. Each party fulfils a function special and unique for the investment funds. Now that you know a little more about investment funds, encourage you to invest and grow your wealth.