There are many forms to make extra money in Internet. One of them is to affiliate itself with sites of remunerated surveys. Working from house a pair of hours to the day, he will be able to generate an amount interesting of money. Nevertheless, always the possibility of not receiving payments exists, which takes generally it to be disappointed and to leave the system because it thinks that it is not good. The reality is that if sees a site it offers much money to him while the majority offers to him much less, distrusts of first. The reason is well simple: there are many surveys by Internet that are a swindle. It imagines that they offer to pay to him $100 to him by each survey that realises to each affiliate that owns the site, that normally is thousands (we say 5,000), whereas the majority offers $5. Whenever there is a survey, the company would have to pay $500.000.
It sounds rather little probable, no? Also the opposite can happen exactly. It supposes now that they pay to him $0,5 by realised survey, but the norm is $5. The companies that contribute the money, they are those on which turn the surveys, that is to say the interested ones in valuing its services or products. These give the same sum to him to each site of surveys. That they pay to him less to you by his work, only means that they remain with a part greater than corresponds to him, they remove and it from his pocket. Another strategy that realises these companies of surveys by swindle Internet is to avoid that it completes the questionnaire. Sometimes it will see that, after to spend lengths minutes answering surveys, say to him that its profile does not agree and cancel the survey. Nevertheless, as they do not pay if it does not arrive at the end of the form, will not receive money by his effort.
If it sees that this happens to him frequently, he is better to terminate itself of the site. The best form to avoid these problems is to realise a search in Internet on the trustworthiness of the site. Of this form it will be able to work calm, knowing that it does not waste his time and that has real possibilities to secure money.