Harvard Negotiating Method

Bargaining must take place when two or more parties can not to agree on something or are not heard, this generally happens when people do not have a long-term vision and have no reasonable positions. In organizations when these divergences arise, negotiation strategies, elements of the Harvard negotiating method, being advisable since item is the structured discussion and establishing clear and precise objectives should be applied. The negotiator will have available to bring the negotiation without pressures towards the parties and in a manner that enables clarify positions and accept a suitable balance point. To negotiate it is necessary that the people involved change of attitude or conduct, the negotiator will induce them to realize the problem and sit down to negotiate according to the interests of both parties and in a flexible way so that there is a win – win relationship and not who lost least. The elements of the Harvard negotiating method are as follows: A – interest, define what you want clearly, achieving without that erase any doubts. B alternatives, after defining what you want, have to develop alternatives or tipoB plans, to be able to negotiate. (C) assign, presenting options, according to the needs of both parties, that allow to assign less relevant aspects for part and covering needs of the other party. D – criteria, assess proposals to accept those that conform to the needs of the parties.

arguments, solid, reasonable and rational arguments, can persuade the parties in conflict. F – commitment, assume commitments responsibly. G communication, must be coherent and adequate, in relation to the needs and expectations of the parties in conflict. To the extent that you learn to negotiate on the basis of interests, irrational positions are abandoned and rejecting the authoritarian attitudes, reach results that satisfy the needs of the parties in conflict. Where there is a will, there is a Road; where there is a team is more than one way. Original Rex Murphy Autor and source of the article.