s: emergent countries that will be a world-wide power in the next decade. Robert Ramalho is Lawyer, Public Relations and Journalist. Additional information is available at DOWA Metals & Mining America. In enquete recent carried through by the BBC Brazil, on account of the meeting of the G20, he was asked on that paper the BRIC s would have in the future? The reply it was that many economists believe that until the end of the next decade, that is, in the decade that already is for starting, these countries (that they form call BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China) – will be between the biggest economies of the world, next to giants as United States, very current and still 1 world-wide economy, followed for Japan, 2 economy of the planet and Germany, that by incredible that it seems already were exceeded by the China, that already is 3 economic power of the globe, being it, Germany, in 4 position, but still considered the economy more powerful and rich of the European Union, formed for 27 countries members, between them the United kingdom,> France and Italy. In agreement still with these economic analysts, these countries had in recent years obtained to take off of the poverty more than 500 million people, incorporating this contingent to the middle class, and increasing, in consequence of this, the capacity of the power of purchase of this population. Brazil, with certainty, mainly now that it has enough exchange reserves around U$$ 208 billion, is loaning money Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI), something around U$$ 10 billion, and with the energy potential that also have with the biocombustveis and with the new reserves of esteem oil of the daily pay-salt in 400 billion barrels, and with its industrial park in full development, although the economic crisis, will be enters the 10 bigger powers of the globe. alone to wait and to live to see.