The power of the declared word abr/10 Many times we do not understand or then we do not take serious a muitoimportante teaching in the Christian life. deDeus the necessity to declare and to augur the Word. The Ezequiel taught to you clearly. ' ' Ezequiel 37:4 Said me it: It augurs to these bones edize to them: Dry bones, I heard the word Mr. ' ' ' ' Ezequiel 37:7 /10 Then, I augured as foraordenado me; while I augured, I had a noise, a racket of bones quebatiam against bones and if they gathered, each bone to its bone.
I augured as eleme commands, and the spirit entered in them, and had lived and if they had put in foot, umexrcito sobremodo numeroso.' ' The prophecy of Ezequiel was made on the given Word peloSenhor and not on what it found. Costumo to play that it has things that is to melhorperder of what to find Therefore, when we pray for we ourselves or outraspessoas, we must always include the prophecy of the Word. In all them we profeciastemos the previous approval Mr. Its yes and its amen. ' ' 2 Corntios 1:20 Because how many they are deDeus promises, as much have in it yes; inasmuch as also for it he is amen for glory the deDeus ones, for ours intermdio' ' It is common to errarmos in this question.
When brothers in ask for umconselho to them or simply they ask for that let us receive them in the fight or tribulao, to devemosevitar to the maximum to give human advice, ideas, etc. We must pray and declares Word to the brother. Thus we do not run the risk of palpitar and inducing apessoa to the error. Who must guide the Christian in everything is the Spirit of God, eno the man. In the maximum, ours ' ' conselhos' ' they must total be based on the Word, and exactly thus, with the care maximum, because it enters the promise of God and the seucumprimento, it has the Sovereignty of God, and this only fits It.