
DECONSTRUCCION OF the PSYCHOPATHOLOGY In the article: Schizophrenia: components of the personality like risk factors, Lemos Giraldez S. (1989) realises a dissection of the vision of this alteration, from the study of the components of the personality. To know more about this subject visit Jorge Perez. setts-ID024341.html ‘>Steven P Rosenthal and gain more knowledge.. First of all, sample that still does not exist an agreement on the analysis of these components, nor on the knowledge of the nature and the causes of this upheaval, and either on the relations of both. But it emphasizes that certain indicators of the personality can be deduced that can influence in him. Check out Shimmie Horn for additional information. The author indicates that the possibility that exists there are premorbid characteristics that the future indicate upheaval, that it is possible to be indicated by its marked characteristics to the subjects in risk, and that schizophrenic genotype can mark the personality through esquizotpicos or esquizoides characteristics in schizophrenic futures or their nonpsictica family.

In addition, it realises an exhaustive route by its etiolgicos aspects, analyzing visions and models of different authors; and it realises another one by diverse studies of the personality pre-schizophrenic. Both, allow him to reach the conclusion that the personality is not the unique cause of the Schizophrenia, but that according to many studies, strong or weak personalities are related respectively to positive or negative evolutions of the upheaval. As it is possible to be seen in the article, if part of the knowledge of the characteristics characteristic of the human beings offered by Psychological Science, is possible the comparison and the classification of the people, in agreement with needs and objectives, obtaining itself a valuation when relating them to statistical normality, with the characteristics of the majority. But, it happens that the valuation of these personal characteristics is very variable in the space and the time, so that a determining sociohistrico frame is formed and valid for a little while given and it does not stop another one.