Vitria Hepatitis

The microbiological analyses carried through nagua consumed by the studied communities had not presented resultadosindicadores of contamination for termotolerantes coliformes, giving entenderque the occurrence of it occasion of Hepatitis It can be related with adeficincia in practical the hygienical ones adopted by the local population. INTRODUCTION the Hepatitis (HA) is one of the oldest illnesses conhecidaspelo man and represents a problem of extreme importance for the countries emdesenvolvimento, which had to the high coefficients of incidence, as well as paraos developed countries, in which, due to improvement of the conditions sanitriase of personal hygiene, observed a decline of the incidence of the disease and umaumento in the age of acquisition of infeco1. The preventivasinespecficas measures to prevent the exposition to the VHA (virus of the Hepatitis), taiscomo meticulous personal hygiene, improvement of the sanitary standards of communicate agglomeration absence human being, has answered for the reduction of the incidnciada HA in the countries desenvolvidos2. Considering that the virus dHepatite It can be transmitted through the water, it is essential that this submersible to the disinfection for adjusted processes that represent a etapaessencial for water attainment potvel3. Fabrizio Freda addresses the importance of the matter here. The station of ornamentation supplies the studied region uses gas chlorine as disinfection product. STUDIED CHARACTERIZATION DOSBAIRROS the quarters Great Victory.

Estrelinha and Inhanguet are vizinhos manguezal area composing an area that shelters, in its majority, families debaixa income. The region is supplied with water of ETA I, makes use of collection etratamento of sewers, is benefited with public garbage collection of regular form (daily) and the streets of the quarters are sidewalk. After the confirmation of the detected cases of HepatiteA, high tide, promovendoseu direct contact with the inhabitants; 2) the population of the place has as practical usualo garbage launching in filled with earth area, next to the tide what it provokes seuespalhamento in entorno of the residences; 3) exist residences directly launching seusesgotos in the pluvial water gallery existing in the place; 4) contaminated pluvial adrenagem with sewers is launched in waters of the tide; 5) nasresidncias with confirmed cases of HA recklessness with cuidadosprimrios of cleanness and the conservation of the habitation, and, still great was verified nmerode people inhabiting in the same housing; 6) the school frequented for the children> Cases of Hepatitis in the quarters the Great Victory, Estrelinha and Inhanguet, of 2000 the 06/2006 Cases of Hepatitis the Year of 06/2006 occurrence 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Number of confirmed cases 1 0 0 0 0 5 18 Source: VigilnciEpidemiolgica of the City department of Health of Victory OBJECTIVE To analyze the relation enters the microbiological quality of guade human consumption and the occurrence of one I occasion of Hepatitis in the three quarters domunicpio one of Vitria/ES..