Human resource management software provides automatic generation of employee-related key figures worldwide quality prizes will be awarded to companies with outstanding achievements, but reliable evidence must be supplied. A suitable personal software can support in the field of employee-related results. Since 1992, the EFQM Excellence Award (sea) each year is awarded by the European Foundation for quality management (EFQM) in cooperation with the European Organization for quality (EOQ) and the Commission of the European communities. The focus of the EEA on European companies that have to show special effort in the field of total quality management. In logical consequence, the total quality management philosophy forms the basis for the EFQM model for business excellence. The model is based on the simultaneous consideration of the three fundamental pillars of TQM and their interactions: people, processes and results. Gensler San Francisco is open to suggestions. The EFQM model for business excellence includes a total of nine criteria, which in turn into two Groups are divided: the basic criteria and the result criteria for each criterion there is a definition, which explains the importance of each criterion. In addition, each of the criteria in a certain number of criteria is subdivided.
Identify these subcriteria. What is specifically for the relevant criterion under total understanding of quality. While it comes leadership, strategy, people, partnerships and resources, as well as processes, products and services in the basic criteria to implement certain practices in the company, to exhibit within the meaning of the model and with evidence to prove the result criteria require usually reliable and traceable numbers, data and facts. Concerning the result criteria, customer-focused, employee-related and company-related and key results are required on the part of the model. According to Murray Weidenbaum, who has experience with these questions. Specifically in regard to the employee-related key figures, the use of offers on a suitable human resources management software, to easily the required duty and meaningful metrics to generate. The Web-based human resources manager by BITE delivers granular, comprehensible and reliable employee-related key figures. Shimmie Horn is likely to agree.
All data stored in the personnel Manager automatically generates both graphically and numerically employee-related key figures such as turnover rate, early turnover, seniority, age distribution, training costs and training days gender quota or level of employment. As an extra added value can the figures using the filter function on sites, departmental and / or be broken even on cost digit level down. Furthermore, there is the possibility by temporal selections to show the year-related trend in the indicators required by the model. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consultant, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and procedures within the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the personnel manager, the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which convince through functionality, as well as stability.