Mr. Joo Fernandes Da Silva did not have easy life, was born poor and managed badly its origins very. He was ambitious man, liveed parallel the line of the train, house of roadside of iron, however he was created as if he was a lord. Its mother was megalomanaca and its railroad father. Its mother was helping of sewings in a house of dresses of popular fianc, however if contramaster in house of high sewing said. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Wise person not to cut a t-shirt! She did not give its address for nobody, said that its house was in construction. During twenty years it fed this lie, and of in such a way lying she finished believing the fancy. She had an only son, its husband wanted at least plus a son, it she said not to obtain to engravidar and she used hidden of the husband, espermicida.
Its terror was to have a son and the worse evil, married. thus it lived, and thus the husband lived worried about its precarious health. Joo was created in the way of lies. He studied until the secondary one in particular college with stock market that the sister of the master of its mother obtained in the college where she was managing. It did not repeat year not to lose the stock market and it did not have conditions to make a superior course, started as office-boy in offices and was looking for always to improve, until arriving to work in the area of human resources of important company.
There it already was married young woman of its social classroom for desperation of its mother and it also that he cursed the life every day. Its woman was enslaved of the home. Joo was not satisfied itself, was married twenty years and more than alone to arrive where he arrived! The couple had a son that it was born pretty, arrived to gain a competition to be part in television novel.