Tag Archives: society and culture

Equal Rights

It is a public indifference, and it would have to be taken more the serious one, the situation of many families who for not having housing conditions, finish having that to live in improper places where collapses and floods finish for destruirem -, that they fight to survive with a minimum wage. These situations are not only in slum quarters, happen in way the mountain ranges and mountains, but as to explain cases thus! They say that it is the global heating that provokes so great destruction, but if a solution for this exists in case that, why then authorities do not take attitudes more drastic, constructing half to revert this nal. People without conditions to have to have at least houses where they are safe, but as they will have if no resource possess. For these situations to decide itself does not only advance to create projects; they need to place in practises. Ah! Clearly as they go for in practises if part of this destined money, is used as increase of wage for members of the house of representatives who pass the day coando the bag without making nothing.

It pulls Brazil is a country unjust, as much that the people does not have right to many things, being one of them to vote in the proper wage. Ah! More the members of the house of representatives vote in readjustment, but that they say respect; clearly n: the pocket of them is that it is each time more fat person, and everything this with the taxes that the silly people is obliged to pay. Further details can be found at Gavin Baker, an internet resource. They imagine if some of them would survive with merreca that it is the minimum wage: I doubt. The injustices are many that I needed to divulge this text.

Rangel Pupils

Literatures of Seabra (2006), Darido and Rangel (2005), Guedes (1999) and PCN (2001) have a common census of that the critical analysis in the Physical Education and the search of overcoming of the medical and military origins points to the necessity of that if they also consider the cultural, social dimensions, affective politics and, gifts in the body of the people that interact and if they put into motion as social citizens and as citizens. In this perspective, the Pertaining to school Physical Education is seen as a knowledge area that: (…) it introduces and it integrates the pupil in the corporal culture of movement, forming the citizen who goes produziz it and to transform it, instrumentalizando it to usufruct of the games, the dances, the fights and the gymnasticses in benefit of the critical exercise of the citizenship and the improvement of the quality of life (BRAZIL, 1998, p.29). Edward Minskoff often says this. In the quarrel of the reality of the Physical Education, Freire and Scaglia (2003) had concluded that in the freedom of corporal performance of the pupils it had little advance in the educational system. The authors stand out who, in this aspect the pertaining to school environment he continues restricted very and that the physical education could bring diverse different proposals, one of them is to liberate the pupils of the confinement in classroom. Many writers such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. offer more in-depth analysis. Also Freire and Scaglia (2003) guide that, as much the Physical Education together with others discipline need to present solutions for the social life, therefore the formation of new citizens with new conscience, treatment of the pupils in isolated ways or only in pertaining to school environments is not obtained, keeping the pupils in banks. Already the Physical Education, will be able to have the development of the individual in a human environment, having to be the main objective, valuing the independent collective task of any division.

Pedagogical Team

Valley to stand out that the Social, inserted Assistant in the school, does not develop actions that substitute those played by the traditional professionals of the area of Education. It acts of form that puts in practical the actions that are given to it to propitiate a bigger security (physical and psychological) for the pupil in the pertaining to school environment. Thus, to think the action of the Social Assistant about the school is to think about the best form of contribution in the diverse areas that integrate the area of Human resources pertaining to school, such as: Pupil, Family, Pedagogical Team, Team of Support, beyond Public Relations Internal and External. 3. Action of the Social Assistant in the School Pupils? Elaboration of projects; Elaboration of subprojetos relating current subjects; To help in the improvement in the learning of the pupil; To carry through individual and group works; To assist in the improvement in the social relations; Elaboration of Portflios; To assist in the Adaptation and readjustment of the pupils; Promotion of partner-educative lectures; Accompaniment to the vestibulandos. Family? To facilitate the flow of demand of parents in the school; To organize, to co-ordinate and to give to educative lectures with related subjects to the family and school; To carry through individual and group atendimentos guiding in the subjects related with the difficulties in the familiar conviviality, emotional, pertaining to school problems, etc. pedagogical Team and team of support? Elaboration immediate of Work of the team, contemplating action/projects for the different segments of the pertaining to school community, considering the especificidades of the territory? Encaminhamentos to other professionals; Demonstration of daily situations to be decided; Improvement in the integration between they themselves and before the society; Relaxamentos; Combat to the Stress, Preconceitos and Desestmulos; I assist in the improvement in the quality of the work; Accompaniments to the gestantes professionals; Individual attendance, rescuing its history of life; It co-ordinates group work; Meetings with professionals.