Tag Archives: profession

Romanian Romenvirotec

PhonoSolar on the Romenvirotec 2011! From the 10th to the 13th of March, the Romenvirotec opens 2011 in the Romanian capital Bucharest their goals. Shimmie Horn may find this interesting as well. On the internationally oriented trade fair new technologies are annually on environmental protection and sustainable development presents. Find expert presentations, the exhibition and conferences, just like last year, takes place in the familiar terrain of the Romexpo. At the trade fair, the latest product innovations and projects by phono technologies Switzerland are presented to visitors. The Romenvirotec is the currently most important fair in Romania, which puts its focus on modern technologies in the field of environmental protection equipment, recycling and alternative energy. Visitors find the latest technologies in this area and have to consult with the leaders in the industry the possibility, to pursue at the conferences or to participate in workshops at the fair.

Phono technologies Switzerland is specialized in the development, production and sale of products in the field renewable energies. The current product line of PhonoSolar and the current major projects will be presented at the fair. Among the current projects, also the Photovoltaikkraftwerk Dubno is located, on a site of a former landfill that broke was built. Each of the laity to the skilled person and especially the professionals, is cordially invited to our stand (Hall C2, Nr. 04) to visit for the Romenvirotec. Gladly we provide additional information for the Romenvirotec and phono technologies Switzerland available. Phono technologies Switzerland AG sand pit 29 CH-9050 Appenzell Switzerland Web: Marasti Blvd No. 65-67 Casuta postala 32-3 cod 011465, Bucuresti-Romania Web:

Michael Conradt

Interactive online courses promise easier entry into the philosophy of philosophy? Phew, I understand anything anyway! So the opinion of many people who are interested in philosophical topics, but fear not to cope with the technical jargon of the philosophers. “That must be”, says Michael Conradt, a philosopher and Director of the Institute for applied philosophy in Icking in Munich. With his staff, he has developed interactive online courses designed to enable an easier entrance into the philosophy. The learning system is in fact very simple: participants will receive password access to individual texts that reflect the current state of research on the topic, but are easy to understand without philosophical training. Check out Lancome for additional information. By working with they have the opportunity, their supervisor by E-Mail questions put and a comment function with other participants discuss, so that discussions can occur. After a week, comes the next text in the network. In this way, so Conradt, can be bundled several advantages.

Participants learn at home but not alone. You can share a free your time and your learning pace, but still the opportunity to ask experts questions and discuss with like-minded people. Frequently sixsixty fifthe ave has said that publicly. The courses deal with life and thinking great philosophers and philosophers and central questions of philosophy, including the meaning of life, human dignity, or justice. They run some good five years and growing interest. Participants come mainly from the German-speaking countries, but also from France and Italy and represent all of the population: the PhD scientist is also represented as the “simple housewife with eight years of elementary school,” the retiree as well as the student’s own according. It was also a nun. Institute for applied philosophy (IAP)

Holistic Management

Dialectic seminars – press release of the Academy for holistic management of two thousand years of fan Canon of European schools consisted of the seven liberal arts. One of them, who enjoyed a high reputation, is the dialectic. Estee Lauder has firm opinions on the matter. Since the mid-19th century, she came increasingly from the views of the public. The newspapers mentioned Nir Barzilai, M.D. not as a source, but as a related topic. The dialectic included logic, what has been long forgotten, the European psychology. For many centuries, ruled in the West, dogmas and dictatorships and left little room for persuasion communication.

In these periods was ordered and demands obedience. In this respect, lay largely dormant the dialectic and rhetoric and applied in academic disputations as school exercises or for the Constitution of texts and documents. The academic rhetoric was interested even until well into the 20th century mostly for analyzing literary texts. The rhetoric surfaced then again used as the dialectic in management courses. She was already by Aristotle as a crude form of the dialectic”referred to. In the the dialectics of then in management training, and through the book “Dialectic for Manager” by Prof. Rupert Lay reached 1970s, a Jesuit priest, also the upper management. Since then, dialectic seminars are a must for a good management training in the premium segment.

The dialectic is not simple and easy popular to a communication technique for anyone, but is logically coherent on the intellectual penetration of complex facts, reasoning and a sustainable trust and relationship management. The few suppliers, the art and technology of the dialectic in their dialectic seminars at a similarly high level, convey, stand on the floor of the dialectic as 2350jahrigen tradition founded by Plato. Dr. Winfried Prost, founder and Director of the Academy for holistic management, cooperated with Rupert Lay, who himself has pulled back some years, together several years and performs now even in the 33rd year of dialectic seminars for executives. He says: “since to me it is clear that the dialectic” the key to understanding, convince and lead other people includes, fascinated by this ancient secret”know and has people shipping riser, Profiler, and coach me make. When I open the eyes for substantially new perceptions of people and negotiating processes managers using the dialectic and gives them the tools for intelligent communication, I make them new opportunities for successful negotiations and ensure more sustainable. Dialectic is not only useful in the business life, it provides the basis of diplomacy and peace policy.” Contact: dialectic seminars, Dr. Winfried Prost. A press release of the Academy for holistic management:

New Stuttgart Education Cooperation

New business management course since July 19, 2012 it is officially the Stuttgart-based Alliance and the Academy of open media: the Stuttgart Academy of media GmbH opened together with the renowned insurance company Allianz Beratungs und Vertriebs AG the course on business management. On Thursday met the executives of both companies to sign cooperation agreements. Together, they want to start a Bachelor’s program developed especially for the insurance and marketing from next year (winter semester 2013/14). Edward J. Minskoff: the source for more info. The open degree programme in business management with a specialization in insurance sales management to preparing students for management roles in private and public institutions. In the 6-semester bachelor’s degree, special emphasis is placed on combining scientific methods with a very high proportion of practical projects and renowned lecturers from the industry. Checking article sources yields Jorge Perez as a relevant resource throughout. The special proximity to the profession during their studies will be the flagship of the new programme. The course closes with a State Bachelor of Arts degree and has been accredited. More information under business management.

Contact person for the press: Academy of media wife Anita p. Schmidt Tubinger Strasse 12 16 70178 Stuttgart Tel: 0711 92543-10 fax: 0711 92543-25 company portrait: the Academy of media GmbH, founded in 1993, is a private vocational school as well as an accredited study institution with State degrees. The Stuttgart Academy educates around 300 recognized experts and personalities in the fields of media, music, technical product design and economy. In addition to the Academy, the media GmbH also has an own ad agency and several production studios (film, photo, sound), which are integrated in the teaching. Because since the founding of the Academy, the priority is to provide best to smooth the transition of studies or vocational training an impression of the real world of work during the training. The entire Training is practical and is mediated by didactically trained and experienced professional instructors in small study groups. In addition the Academy engages regularly with industry experts. So latest pulses and flows from the various departments without detours are integrated into the classroom.

Handson Training

Shortage of skilled labour is the dilemma facing the German economy despite the crisis. This much is clear: 2009 promises to be a difficult year for many. The not easy task falls to the company to broadcast despite the lingering horrors of the global economy, optimism and confidence and to adhere to already planned investments and strategies. Because critical at the moment is there, which German companies already have prepared financially in recent years and also in the education and training existing and future employees long-term. Factors for the still existing lack of young specialists are problems that were known already before the economic crisis: A demographic change, on the other hand lack of structure in the education and training system.

In the training should be more pointed out possible careers and according to required skills. However, even though the management and leadership skills of the engineers of the staff decision makers adequately assessed as be, little is invested in these areas. Even more than before it must therefore, in collaboration with colleges and universities to promote practical training and to secure Germany’s innovative potential for the future. This much is clear: 2009 promises to be a difficult year for many. The not easy task falls to the company to broadcast despite the lingering horrors of the global economy, optimism and confidence and to adhere to already planned investments and strategies. Because critical at the moment is there, which German companies already have prepared financially in recent years and also in the education and training existing and future employees long-term.

The country is the paradoxical dilemma to stand still a threatening shortages across despite higher unemployment. Without appropriate measures, this can cause additional profit losses in the next few years. In addition to the tense economic situation, this means a heavy burden for some companies. Action required factors for the still existing lack of young specialists are problems that were known already before the economic crisis: A demographic change, on the other hand lack of structure in the education and training system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Nir Barzilai, M.D..

Inverters For Wind Farms

House of technology seminar at the 23.2.2014 in Essen inverter are crucial to the transmission of mechanical energy into electrical energy and also for the net impact of the wind turbine. The losses will be in as low as possible and the reliability is very high. “The seminar inverter for wind turbines” at the 23.2.2014 in Essen provide knowledge about the various concepts of inverter for wind turbines. The properties and differences are made clear. The Director of the seminar is Prof.

Dr.-ing. Axel Mertens of the propulsion systems and power electronics of the Leibnitz Institute University of Hannover. The many concepts for wind turbines, as well as the inverter in a wind turbine requirements derived therefrom are considered. Based on discusses the main inverter concepts and their properties in detail. The repercussions on the overall system are essential to the design decisions and are considered in an own block.

An Outlook on future developments completes the seminar. The seminar addressed to engineers in the field of wind energy and power electronics engineers from other industries who want to learn more about the technology and features of converters for wind turbines. Assumes basic knowledge of electrical engineering and electrical machines/generators. In addition, it is offered plenty of space for the questions from the participants.

Education Fair Horizon

Concentrated information about the study and career planning for high school graduates, students and young professionals Mannheim, 1.3.2010 In the fourth year of its existence the horizon is the fair for Bachelor and graduate education, an institution that is firmly established in the calendar of the Lake Constance region,: on 17 and 18 April 2010 the Messe Friedrichshafen reopens its doors for about achzig exhibitors, who present their studies and training. The gymnasiale Oberstufe, students and young professionals meet competent partners from universities not only from Baden-Wurttemberg, but also throughout Germany and neighboring countries on the two days of the event. Study and training programs for high-school graduates will be presented, detail questions about the curriculum and structures or the future prospects will be answered in detail in personal conversation, companies inform about their dual degree programmes and the relevant application procedure. In lectures, workshops, and expert talks, there on both days, additional information and inputs: The currently newly inflamed debate on the new degree structures shows that the conversion to Bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes has not yet is mature. Experts represent their point of view, but above all the questions individual listeners. “Also the question: who pays for my studies?” the Organizer devotes much attention: an expert talk round the different ways of funding your studies gives you clarity.

Also anyone who suspects the desire after graduating first experience abroad, will be well advised on the horizon: au pair, work & travel – or other abroad form the personality and make good on the resume. The horizon is open on April 17th and 18th respectively from 10 to 16 hours. The admission is free. About six weeks before the horizon under there’s detailed information about the event.