Tag Archives: People and Sports

Training Results

‘The reasons for the lack of training results in newcomers’ I’m new to the sport. Train, but no result. Why? There can be several: First, the most unpleasant, you do not correctly chosen sport. That is: your muscular system has a different composition than that required in the chosen sport. Under the muscle composition is meant the ratio of fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. Fits muscle biopsy tissue (muscle research pieces under a microscope) or more simply but less accurately, the use of special muscle tests.

What should I do? Change the sport to another, which requires different skills such as if there is no result in a sprint (a short distance of 60m, 100m, 200m, 400m – try stayersky running (800 m, 3000 m). It is possible that this is you get better. Second, it is very common – you bezsistemno or not properly exercise . Bezsistemno, so as when out, is not stable. Not correct – do not follow any rules of training process. Do not follow the basic principles of training-frequency, alternating exercise and rest, a gradual increase load alternation of different training zones, do not eat rationally, etc.

Not useful as a rare and very frequent practice. For more information see this site: Edward Minskoff. Do not include the time of the daily training load, depending on the his chronotype. Physical activity in different chronotype – ‘Lark’, ‘doves’, ‘cos’ – the best time to load, is different. All of them (chronotype) have two peaks of physical activity throughout the day: morning and evening, but this time – is different: while the load Otptimalnoe ‘larks’ 8-13,30, 16-18 Otptimalnoe time load ‘doves’ 10-13, 16-22 Otptimalnoe time load ‘owls’ 13-15 18-24 Above important that you must remember practicing – not right, no adequate extent of your training load can cause not only decrease athletic performance but also cause irreparable damage to your health. This over-training, an acute or chronic strain of separate parts of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, nervous system, cardiovascular, liver, blood system, etc. What should I do? Educate themselves. If does not work, go to the section in which the coaches coach and expert, it is better if the name and has already trained athletes arresters. Third, sometimes there, you’re in a hurry. Do you think that growth results (speed, distance throwing, accuracy of entry, etc., should improve with each workout. It is not. The result should be prepared and training to go to him right putem.Chto do? After learning the theory, write a training plan and execute it. Compare the task with the result achieved, the task at the same time put the real. Be sure to keep a diary, which reflected on a five-point system: sleep, mood, desire to train. Specifically, the frequency of pulse in the morning. Specifically, the total load to one hundred percent of the first, second workout and total load for the day. Contest 100%, no load (rest) = 0%. Your diary will help the specialist, if necessary, give you the correct advice on the construction of the training process, or the correction of the load.

Muscle Builders

For us to use another principle of the training process – slowly, slowly, but regularly and purposefully. Training should take place no more than three times a week and each training session should not exceed 40-45 minutes. Itself workout should consist of 5-7 basic exercises: squats, deadlift, bench press and bench sitting. In the first stage completely eliminated aerobic exercise, and exercise all the insulation on some groups muscles. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. A waste of time and effort – to increase muscle mass in a given area, inflate, for example, only the biceps and ignore the rest of the work of muscles. I assure you, you do not succeed, because nature is always and all striving for harmony, distributes the balance of muscle throughout the body and a "beauty" as a huge inflated biceps combined with skinny legs, would not be tolerated. Drill – light! And the light illuminated me the whole long path to the goal.

I read a lot of literature, he tried to understand my questions and how you can better understand the processes that occurred to me. It helped me a lot, though, because any deliberate action is always more efficient than the unconscious, not to mention the fact that the resulting knowledge has helped me avoid many foolish and hurtful mistakes. Plus a fascinating lesson on the theme that interested me Today you can find lots of information – in books, magazines, the Internet. In general, the work of the body based on the principle of balancing. So, while we exercise, our body produces active anabolic hormones – Muscle Builders: insulin, testosterone.