Tag Archives: noticias-actualidad

General Administration

Sources close to the Minister of economy so confirmed it. The Minister will not leave in principle active in party politics. (Not to be confused with starwood capital!). He has held the portfolio for health, public administration and economy. The economic Deputy Minister, Elena Salgado, has communicated to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in lists in the next general election, they have assured sources of your environment. Although it is not in the lists, Salgado does not intend to abandon the policy, and therefore will be available for the match, according to the cited sources.

Salgado, although it is not militant Socialist he headed the list of the PSOE in Cantabria in the general election, he held the portfolios of health, public administration and economy. Natural in Ourense, Salgado is an engineer degree in economic sciences s from the Complutense University of Madrid and industrial by the school technical top engineers industrial (ETSII) of Madrid. In the March 2008 elections she was elected a member of the PSOE by Cantabria. Until then not He had never formed part of a candidacy, though he had collaborated on several election campaigns of his party. After the Socialist victory in general elections, Rodriguez Zapatero confirmed as Minister for public administrations, post he held on April 14. A year later, on April 7, 2009 she was appointed second Vice President and Minister of economy and finance in the new Executive of Rodriguez Zapatero. Since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been responsible for commissioning u n plan of budgetary adjustment since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been commissioned to launch a plan of budgetary adjustment, which aims to put the deficit in 2013 at 3 per cent. The economic adjustment measures include a Plan of immediate action for 2010, an austerity Plan 2011-2013 for the General Administration of the State and the proposal of an agreement framework for the autonomous communities and local corporations.

In March 2010, also took part, along with Miguel Sebastian and Jose Blanco, of the ministerial candidates responsible for negotiations between the Government and the parliamentary groups to reach agreements against the crisis, in what became colloquially referred to as covenants of Zurbano. During the semester of European Presidency of the EU, between January and June 2010, he had to deal with numerous issues of financial markets against the solvency of the Spanish State. Because of the economic crisis, his Ministry became the center of the Government’s policy. Since mid-2010, his Ministry has had to present a series of measures to prevent the cto contagion of the crisis affecting the countries of the periphery of the zone euro. These measures include the labor reform, which the Government adopted in the absence of agreement by the social partners, the reform of pensions or cuts in the administrative expenses. Source of the news: Salgado communicates to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in the lists of the party

General Directorate

Three people have been seriously injured and another three suffered minor injuries. Four of the dead were bikers. On Sunday, with seven fatal accidents, it was the worst day. Eleven people have died on Spanish roads in nine traffic accidents deaths that have occurred since 1500 hours on Friday until 00.00 hours on Sunday, reported by the General Directorate of traffic (DGT). In these same events, three people have been injured and three others suffered minor injuries.

In four of the fatal accidents occurred on Sunday involved motorists, have been pointed out by the same sources. Sunday was the day of major accidents on roads throughout the weekend, with seven fatal accidents that have resulted in nine deaths, three seriously injured and three minor. On Friday and Saturday there was a deadly traffic accident every day with a total of two dead and no injuries. Source of the news: ten killed in traffic accidents during the weekend.


Real estate park in Valencia is enormous. There is an enormous amount of flats unsold and that is very difficult to give output. But is not only complicated their sale, also is it place in regime of rent. So while in other communities rents are rebounding in the price (although it is true that lightly), others are still in decline. For example, real estate Valencia bag has to cope with a declining average of 0.2 per cent in the price of rents, compared to the increase of 1.3% in Seville, 3.3% in Bilbao or 4.2% in Lleida. CohBar may help you with your research. In other locations, as in the case of Valencia, the average rental price has also suffered in the first 6 months we 2011 fall and even strong falls, as it is the case of Leon with a 3.4% and up to a 4.5% decline in Oviedo. Precise conclusions from the analysis of these data is quite complicated since it depends on the specific situations of each community and specifying more of each locality. Depends on the number of dwellings that are in stock, both for sale and for rent, the number of people seeking to buy or rent a home the basic laws of supply and demand.

But there is also another the psychological component. Hear other arguments on the topic with Dick Parsons. The expectations that have potential buyers that the price of homes continue to decline. If they wait to buy likely nor will they decide to rent, so all the real estate market will be affected. However, in localities where users have decided to opt for rental, which also influenced by institutional measures (aid scheme), it is natural that average price climb. In any case, we still have to wait some time until the market stabilizes.

German Square

According to a report by the real estate of luxury, Engel & Volkers AG. The square meter most expensive of Spain is on Paseo de Gracia: 14,000 euros. The Avenue d Ostende de Monte Carlo is the most expensive place in Europe, priced at 148,000 euros per square meter. The Paseo de Gracia, Barcelona, and Cape Formentor, Majorca, are among the fifteen most expensive places in Europe to buy a House. A study of Engel & Volkers AG, German real estate of real estate of luxury, which has produced a ranking of 15 locations with the square meter residential more expensive 341 cities thus points out. In the Paseo de Gracia, in Barcelona, the square meter most expensive of Spain stood at 2010, sharing the fourteenth position with the most exclusive Street in Knokke in Belgium, where the price per square meter reached the 14,000 euros.

in the northernmost point of the island of Majorca, the area of Cape Formentor ranks fifteenth ranking, with properties sold for up to 12,000 euros subway square. The Avenue d Montecarlo Ostende, holds the honorary award of possessing square meter residential more expensive in Europe. Thus, a luxury overlooking the Marina penthouse has been sold in September 2010 by nearly 240 million euros and a price of 148,000 euros per square meter. Sardinia to the Cote d’Azur, passing through London the second falls to the Bay of Romazzino, Sardinia, where the price of square meter reaches 100,000 euros. The famous Knightsbridge in London, in the municipality not far from Harrods, Kensington, occupies the 3rd post classification with up to 76,000 euros per square meter.

France occupies the following three positions, with two cities on the French Riviera, occupying the 4th and 5th place in the standings. Street Chemin de Saint-Hospice of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat with prices of 71,000 euros per square meter in the fourth and the prestigious Chemin des Collines or Avenue du Paradis terrestrial in Cannes where prices reach 50,000 euros per square meter, in the Fifth. Attractive avenues Montaigne or Champs-elysees in Paris then stay with the 6 th place, with prices climbing up to 50,000 euros per square meter. We have witnessed of sky-high prices in those locations where exclusiveness meets with a severe shortage of properties on the market, said Christian Volkers, Managing Director of the real estate. With residential buildings ultra-exclusivos growing worldwide demand, Engel & Volkers (present in 38 countries) provides maximum prices to increase even more in the future. Source of the news: Paseo de Gracia and Cape Formentor, Spain to buy more expensive points House

Murcia Homes

/ According to the INE, the number of homes sold during the month of May was 30.797, slightly superior to that of the month of April. Falls over the sale of new homes to the used. 52.3% Of the flats sold in May were second hand. The real estate market does not change trend; It continues downward. The National Institute of statistics (INE) data, indicate that the number of homes sold in May was 30.797, representing a decrease of 18.3% compared to 2010. According to the statistics of broadcasts published by the INE property rights, sales recovered slightly with respect to April to grow by 27.7%.

Sales of used homes fell 13.9% compared to may of last year, while that of new homes fell by 22.7%. 47.7% Of sales corresponded to new homes (14.679 operations) and 52.3% to the used (16.118). Cto named January and February may decline continued the trend of declines begun in March, later that in the first two months of the year still is reflect on the registration of property called cto that encouraged sales of apartments in the last months of 2010 by the disappearance of part of deductions. Last May were registered in Spain an average of 82 homes sold per 100,000 inhabitants, being Cantabria which recorded more transactions of real estate (141 operations per 100,000 inhabitants). Followed by La Rioja (109), Comunidad Valenciana (106), Extremadura (99) and Murcia (98). In absolute terms, Andalusia recorded the highest number of registered in may homes sales (5.947), followed by Valencia (4.332), Madrid (4.231) and Catalonia (4.198).

Although prices are still declining sales not back despite the fact that prices are still falling. According Fotocasa, the average price of second-hand housing has fallen by 2.2% in the last three months. The price of housing accumulates a fall of 26 per cent since April of 2007 interannual term, in June 2011 the average price of housing of second hand in Spain fell -6%, with what you already added 44 months with continuous decreases in annual terms. Source of the news: the sale of homes falls 18.3 per cent in may

Council General

The prices other gauges are still adjusting also indicate that the adjustment in prices is not complete. By the same author: Fabrizio Freda. This Tuesday, the appraiser Tinsa ensured free house prices recorded in may year on year fall of 5.9%, compared to 4.4% recoil from April, and stood at the level of prices in May 2005. Also the month of may of the fotocasa.es real estate index data, indicate that the average price of housing in second hand in Spain is situated in 2,203 euros per square meter (/ m2), representing a decrease of 0.5% compared to the price for the month of April. According Fotocasa, if we analyse the evolution of prices so far this year, there is an accumulated fall of 2.3%, while if analyzed the past twelve months (calculated interannual variation may of 2010 to May 2011), the accumulated fall is 5.5%. Sales fall, increase foreclosures therefore, is not surprising that home sales has fallen to historic lows. Whoever can buy is waiting for prices to fall more. According to the INE, the sale of homes fell 29.7% in April compared to a year earlier, to register, with 24,100 operations, the lower figure of history of the National Statistical Institute, which began in 2007. And according to other official data of the Ministry of development, home sales fell 30.4% in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2010, with 74.540 operations.

The crisis adds one more element to set, the darker photo: evictions marked an all-time high in the first quarter. According to the Council General of the judiciary, the families evicted in the first quarter of the year were 15.491, an all-time high. In the beginning of the crisis, in 2008, evictions were just about 5,000. The eviction procedures initiated in the Spanish courts in the first quarter were 36.3% more than the same period of the previous year. Source of the news: the price of housing already adds three consecutive years of falls