Beyond determining basic the health as right of all, it also enunciates, in the article 3, that ' ' the health has as determinative and condicionantes factors, among others, the feeding, the housing, the basic sanitation, the environment, the work, the income, the education, transport, the leisure and the access to the essential goods and services; the levels of health of the population express the social and economic organization of pas' ' (9). Resolution COFEN-100, in the Art.6, characterizes the nurse specialist in peditrica nursing, and in item D of the only paragraph of this exactly article, makes use on its participation ' ' in the assistance of health to the child and the adolescents, in schools of 1 and 2 graus' '. Moreover, the Law n 4024/61 cites the necessity of the assistance in nursing to the pertaining to school, in the education institutions. A nurse, however, does not occupy this position in fact, wants either it specialist or not. Between some factors that concur for such situation, we can cite the precarious boarding of the area of pertaining to school health in the courses of graduation in Nursing (3). The adjusted formation of nurse in pertaining to school health will despertar its interest for the area and will make with that the same it occupies position that it is proper in the programs of pertaining to school health and answers to the necessities of this market of work, that in recent years if it extends through governmental programs, which presents new proposals for the attendance of these children and adolescents (3). Although the nurse specialist in pediatrics and puericultura to have the adjusted preparation to act in pertaining to school health, the pupil of nursing graduation also needs to receive formation in this area, aiming at the magnifying of its generalista characteristic and performance in the assistance of nursing to the pertaining to school, in the absence of the specialist (3). .
Tag Archives: health and beauty
Rio De Janeiro
The family exerts, still, the function to make the compacting enters the carrier of the schizophrenia and the available services of health to this type of pathology, making with that the familiar ones learn to deal better with the situations of crisis of the patient better to help it. The nursing professional also exerts an important paper in the course of the treatment of the schizophrenia, it is who promotes evaluations biopsicossociais, creates and implements plans for the patient and its family, promotes one better adhesion to farmacolgico and not farmacolgico the treatment, who are of great importance for the improvement of the clinical picture of the esquizofrnico. Additional information at Edward Minskoff supports this article. With this, the consequences of such illness are not previsible, however the way where the family and the professional of nursing deal with this crisis and the carrier of the upheaval negative intervenes positive or with its prognostic. .
Education In Spain
In my conception, it lacks a specialized professional/qualified, to stipulate the amount and the time of exercise of each aged one, taking in consideration the peculiarities of each one. A project of this type, can function 100% in Madrid – Spain, but, in the case of Brazil, the population does not possess healthful habits on physical activities and this requires a bigger attention, on the part of the Municipal public Power, in being also adding in this direction. But, valley to stand out that the ideal for this context would be the professional of the gerontolgica physical education, that according to Drumond, still meets in construction process. perhaps therefore, still exists many challenges to be faced. As MATOS (2004) the maiorias of that they are old, today, are giving its first onslaughts in physical activities, this require much ability on the part of the professional of physical education, which must respect the individualities of each one. It is necessary still, the respect to the limitations and the proper time of each person. We rescue here, the question of sensitivity, therefore it who will make sees the true origin of the gesture, the look, the historical and cultural memory, as well as, of the partial or total acceptance and/or the definitive refusal on the part of the aged individual the any modality is presented it.
In such a way she will be possible to reach a good physical performance with autoconfiana, satisfaction, psychological well-being and social interaction. E, for speaking in challenges, we believe that one of the challenges of the gerontolgica physical education, and, probably the greater of them is to develop a degree of autonomy and security, to make possible that this ' ' individual idoso' ' it provides its proper physical activities. Also this is great the proposal of the Square of the Aged one. Strengthening still on Education Physical Gerontolgica, in remembers them Valderi, that this must present a proposal that takes care of to the yearnings, physical, cognitivas, affective and social the necessities, of the different individuals, as well as, to bring the perfect balance to them between the body and the mind.