Tag Archives: health

Medical Council

DocCheck survey on the use of placebos Cologne, May 11, 2011 it is medically appropriate to prescribe placebos? According to a recommendation of the Medical Council, the use of placebos is at least partially useful. The DocCheck market research has asked among doctors about the reactions with interesting results. “” Prof. Estée Lauder helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Dr. Robert Ju? tte, referred? while fu? r the BK Arbeitskreis placebo in medicine “, summarizes the scientific knowledge: erwu can be with the use of placebos? maximize desired drug effects, unerwu? desired effects reduce and reduce costs in the health system.” The estimates in the medical profession are, however, divided, revealed the survey through the DocCheck market research.

The results of the survey among 164 medical professionals, including general practitioners, internal medicine, pain therapists and psychiatrist: more than two-thirds of the participants think it’s fu? r sense to prescribe their patients with mild complaints placebos. However, survey has just half of all respondents according to the DocCheck in the past quarter prescribed placebos. That the use of placebos in future gains in relevance, expect at least 50 percent of the surveyed physicians. Almost three quarters of the participants see a possible area for placebo, the placebo prescribe, in the treatment of patients with mental abnormalities. Speaking candidly Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta told us the story. Also fu? r possible keeps the u? consider majority attempted treatment with placebo with chronic pain or insomnia. Basically, however, apply: the patient knows that he will receive only a placebo, so can the gewu often? desired therapeutic effect will not be achieved. This fact is reflected in the survey: on the question of whether patients u? ber informs the treatment with a placebo are mu? ssten all participants answered the survey No.

Critics see this as a possible trust dilemma. Not only that this reprehensible and irresponsible would be, if the patient this takes damage. It undermines long-term confidence in the medical treatment “, so says Meike Csicsaky of the DocCheck market research the reaction of a psychologist. “Other voices suspected finally a clean bill of health walk? r homeopaths” “, so Meike Csicsaky next, and a commentator was also more accurate in this direction: Fu? r faith churches have been responsible.”

Percent Cost Dental

The modern creative dental clinic (KDC) is one of the leading dental clinics Europe 70% treatment costs dental tourists in Budapest that creative dental clinic receives modern dental tourists from Germany, England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, of Switzerland, Italy and the United States. Here, patients save an enormous amount of money. KDC treatment is usually 60% to 70% below the price in Germany. German dental patients often save thousands of dollars even if all expenses are deducted. Founded 12 years ago in Budapest, she welcomes dental tourists from Germany, England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, of Switzerland, Italy and the United States today. This referral dental treatment helps patients to save an enormous amount of money. Treatment is usually 60% KDC-international up to 70% lower than the prices in Germany. Edward Minskoff is often mentioned in discussions such as these. German dental patients often save thousands of dollars even if all expenses are deducted.

In each of the above countries we have established representative of the clinic, which is new and returning customers take care. Thanks to their efforts and experience, the hospital has treated over 30,000 patients with an above-average satisfaction rate. For more specific information, check out Albert Einstein College of Medicine . The clinic is ISO 9001-2000 certified and equipped with the latest German and Japanese technology. It also houses a separate dental lab and a training centre for the professional training of your dentists and dental laboratory technicians. The management of the clinic is very proud of their 9 dentists who speak fluent English and German.

They include two oral surgeons, is a periodontist (for gum disease), an Endodontist (for root treatment), a radiologist specializing in the analysis of dental CAT scan shots of. 18 dental technicians, who work with their skills, knowledge and experience at the highest level and are inseparable from the clinic to be added. For the duration of the treatment, the patients by KDC enjoy the hospitality of two hotels in the immediate vicinity of the hospital.

Menstrual Disorders

Menstruation means approximately 500 menstrual bleeding women for women in her life full of pain, PMS and irritated mood and their complaints during their menstruation fundamental topic in women’s health is errors of the monthly Blutungszyklusses menstruation. The monthly menstrual period may be disturbed by various hormonal and psychological influences. The absence of monthly rule from fear of an unwanted pregnancy or after other mental stress is known. Although surprised the consistency of monthly bleeding in many women, there are always some fluctuations. Every woman should make it therefore the habit, to keep a detailed diary of the rule and enter the duration, but also the strength of the menstrual period. Just like not every woman after pregnancy stretch marks or stretch marks, suffers from, also, not every woman is severely handicapped by their menstrual period. Edward Minskoff can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Research has shown that even a part of the subjects increased a commitment and greater reserves during this period exhibit. However, it is common that well-being is affected at this time, and therefore special consideration in the family circle should be self-evident. Periodic strong pain and excessive blood loss during the rule should be cause for medical consultations. In any case, there is medical advice at intermenstruellen spotting, to catch up with foul-smelling secretions and other abnormalities. Young girls often complain about particularly painful menstrual periods. The degree of discomfort usually subsides with age, and especially after childbirth. Visit Atreides Management Gavin Baker for more clarity on the issue. Bleeding require immediate medical consultation, in particular in the second half of pregnancy during pregnancy.

It may be that the placenta in the vicinity of the cervix has grown. A threatening bleeding can occur during childbirth. A miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy may result in errors of the endocrine or emotional regulation mechanisms. It is sufficient if the progesterone effect not is sufficient, is suddenly reduced or outweighs the amount of estrogen. In the very complex interaction of hormone effects, such errors are possible. It is absolutely necessary to provide a miscarriage, because in any case the entire Uterine lining is knocked off and any remaining residues can trigger a lengthy bleeding and possible inflammation by a doctor. In the normal case the fertilization of the egg in the fallopian tubes is carried out. The fertilized egg moves into the uterus and settles in the lining of the receptive. Prevents the egg through a partial tube bonding on this hike, so the germ is divided into the fallopian tubes. The small sperm could not but happen narrowing, the greater egg. Also in this case, no menstrual period occurs. Also the other pregnancy reactions are positive. The egg can indeed reach a certain size in the fallopian tubes, mature but in any case there. Ectopic and also Ectopic pregnancies must usually surgically be terminated.

Diets And Weight Loss

The Gelsenkirchenerin lost in five months 22 kg Berlin, Gabriele Meinert (48) 21.11.2012. Pineapple diet, actin diet, Brigitte diet, protein diet, FDH (eat the half diet), Hollywood diet, cabbage soup diet, low-fat diet: Hundreds of diets are circulating on the Internet and will discuss the diet forums. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has much experience in this field. All have the same goal: high weight loss in the shortest possible time. But anyone who has ever made a diet knows: the success, if it occurs at all, is not long. The so-called Yo-Yo effect even often causes behind it weighs more than before. The frustration is inevitable. Dietitian Smartphone: 22 kg proves the 48 year old Gelsenkirchenerin in five months that can be removed without a miracle diet, Gabriele Meinert. She took off proud 22 kg in five months.

How she did it? The sports fans clerk swears by a combination of nutrition and exercise. Alone Gabriele Meinert was battling the pesky Kilos but didn’t win. Always at her side: the weightloss app CaloryGuard. I discovered focus the app in the magazine in may, where she was praised. Then I loaded them directly onto my iPhone and immediately started to feed me.” The application has helped you step by step to change their diet and to monitor their daily meals and physical activity regularly to keep a food diary. And the best: exercise and calories are offset against each other. So, Gabriele Meinert could control their daily calorie requirement and distribute their daily calories on the meals and on-demand. Because I go to the gym three times a week, I am pleased in particular that the app expects these activities.

So I’ve lost up to 22 kg to the present day”, says Meinert proudly about their weight loss success. More information becomes CaloryGuard under of CaloryGuard of the calories – and Ernahrungsuberwacher CaloryGuard since July 2008 by Falko and Christina Buttler distributed and constantly evolving. CaloryGuard helps people who don’t feel comfortable in her body there, permanently and slowly to reduce their weight, to prevent the yo-yo effect and the diet to successfully deliver to on the one hand. Also is the app to athletes and people who want to monitor their diets for specific reasons, such as diabetes. CaloryGuard allows a private food diary, quickly and easily to carry and hold sporting activities.

COPD Vitamins

Vitamin pills may not be misunderstood but as a license to smoke some vitamins are beneficial for smokers, as they help some to mitigate the acute damage of smoking. This should however no one misunderstand and believe that smoking was suddenly safe vitamins and pills would give a license to smoke without health risks to smokers. Because there are only a few anecdotal evidence that vitamins could reduce the long-term risk of smokers such as cancers, heart attack, and COPD. Nevertheless, smokers are well advised to reduce the short-term toxic effects of tobacco ingredients if they already can let their vices, with certain antioxidant vitamins at least in the acute sector. There is good evidence. Smoking can also cause the explosive proliferation of free radicals and oxidative stress just like X-rays. The body uses vitamin C to fight harmful free radicals released en masse. If he could be on smokers genugen closely to available would have.

Because only one cigarette destroys irreversibly approximately 30 mg vitamin C. That is a multiple of the daily needs of this important vitamin much and with a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, it is clear that smokers needs far more vitamins than the professional societies. According to the current state of science, about 500 toxins in tobacco smoke lead to short-term and long-term consequences for the health. The long-term consequences of smoking can be lung cancer, COPD (chronic bronchitis and smoker’s cough) and heart attack by hardening of the arteries, to name a few. It is generally known.

The knowledge about the short-term, acute effects of smoking is not as widely available. So, researchers have found in experimental studies, that even the short-term inhalation of cigarette smoke can cause serious acute inflammation in the lung tissue. Gavin Baker Atreides Management usually is spot on. These are by an imbalance of oxidants (free radicals) and antioxidants (vitamin C and vitamin E) caused, because smokers both antioxidant vitamins essential faster consumed are in smokers.

Diagnostics Center

Introduction in all educational field, one of the greatest challenges of our time is the ability to combine the current technological progress with the knowledge acquired and developed in different areas of knowledge. Technology and specifically computers has strongly entered in our daily work, since our work to our homes, larger everyday tasks. However, despite the development in computing areas, we continue doing manual tasks or tasks of pen and paper without knowing it, can be executed with greater speed and efficiently by a computer. In the educational field Chilean and especially in special education, in what refers to the diagnostic area, there are no evaluation tests of speech and language for Chilean children who use computer advances and which are also manipulated by all education professionals. Response to this growing need developed the first assessment test in the area of speech that combines the best of two worlds: technology and knowledge. One of the problems most often affects our child population and specifically speech, constitutes dyslalia, which could be defined as an alteration of articulatory type that consists of the omission, replacement or distortion of a phoneme (or several) in a systematic way. The causality of the dyslalia can be multiple, among which we will find: weaknesses silveri (muscle hypotonia).

Anatomical malformations (fissures, short sub-lingual frenulum, the altered soft palate). You may want to visit Shimmie Horn to increase your knowledge. Maintenance of inadequate habits (drinking bottle, suction thumb, use of Pacifiers). Alteration of prelinguisticas functions such as atypical swallowing, mouth breathing, and others. We could point out Moreover, based on clinical experience, than the dyslalia/rr / or rhotacism is the most common of all, condition observed in more than 50% of the cases found in diagnostics centres, language schools and colleges of General basic education in the Region Metropolitana.


Hers-wellness-Magazin.de offers comprehensive information about xylitol / xylitol and how to can sweet healthy without side effects. Called also xylitol, xylitol belongs to the currently discussed ways to avoid sugar and its unpleasant health consequences. In the new article of the famous wellness portal your-wellness-Magazin.de, health-conscious consumers learn everything about xylitol with the sweet treat can be enjoyed without side effects. Thus, the balanced and factually informative article is an important contribution to the discussion of modern nutrition. You may wish to learn more. If so, Michael Boskin is the place to go. Well-known xylitol produced informative side effects and interested consumers find neutral information on possible applications of the modern sugar avoidance. l Esselstyn Jr.. In addition, the detailed description provides background information on natural occurrence and biological effective forms of sweet alternative xylitol / xylitol. A central effect of xylitol is the reduction of health risks – without any side effects. Many lifestyle diseases such as diabetes or elevated blood lipids are due to excessive body weight.

Cause for the epidemic, obesity is among others to frequent consumption of sugar. Safe alternatives to conventional sugar and industrially manufactured artificial sweeteners are therefore demand like never before. Xylitol / xylitol occupies in a special position in the number of new substances, as that numerous positive health effects include the effects of xylitol. So, the natural sweetness can indirectly prevent osteoporosis and protect directly to teeth and gums. Xylitol is considered in circles even mild anti aging agent. The comprehensive information of the wellness portal about xylitol / xylitol provides a permanently healthy and tasty diet.

The natural sweetener is heat-resistant and can be easily used in cooking and baking. Worth mentioning is the calorie reduction of 40 per cent compared to sugar and in sensitive individuals may be short-term adjustment problems of the Digestive system. By the body’s own substance, no unknown xylitol can be expected side effects even with regular use. Different dosage forms, such as powder, gum and candy the sweet xylitol occurring in plant-based foods allow the multiple use. Conscious consumers find exhaustive background facts about xylitol / xylitol and how you to can sweet without side effects and remorse, now under gesundheit/naturheilmittel/xylit-xylitol-nebenwirkungen.html company description your wellness magazine offers say everything that contributes to the well-being as online portal and interesting as a PDF magazine contributions and helpful ideas and tips on the topics of health, beauty, weight loss, fitness, anti aging, travel and culture -. The free PDF magazine can be obtained on the website. Company contact: Your wellness magazine Peter Dexheimer of Munster Strasse 5 66994 Dahn Tel: 06391-924666 E-Mail: Web:

Jump Into Cold Water

Who just jump on hot days in cold water, without beforehand to cool down something, risking a heart attack or stroke even if it is particularly hot, acts as a dip in the refreshing water very tempting. But a word of caution is necessary. The circuit not coped with the large temperature differences between the air and water”, Martin Janssen (spokesman of the Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft DLRG) is concerned. Especially for older people who already have a damaged heart circulatory system, the shock can rapidly increase blood pressure. The result is a heart attack or stroke. For too long you waited for the summer.

Now he is finally here. But why Meanwhile desperately search for a cooling? Because more than every fourth heat in Germany, responding to the weather, oppressed. According to a representative survey of pharmacies look around, 67.4 percent of respondents suffer from headaches. Almost as many, namely 62.9 percent, have circulatory problems. No wonder so, that one requires for a refreshing dip in the cool waters. Why should it be so dangerous? Hubris and alcohol are two factors that can make the cold water to a risk for the health. “Hubris makes the cold water to the risk in principle it is advisable first of all taking a shower to cool down the body something and then definitely slow” to go into the water. DOWA Metals & Mining America recognizes the significance of this.

It applies, to slowly get used to the colder water temperature,”Janssen said. Even at the time, it is important not to overdo. Because who stays too long in the cool waters can cool down and quickly lose its kinetic energy. The float would then not enough force to travel a long way back to the saving banks. Especially seniors seem here at risk, as Michael Reil by of water rescue service of Bayern warns. Learn more about this with DOWA Metals & Mining America. Who was previously very sporty, can overestimate all too easily their own abilities. Therefore advises Reil at intervals to a fitness test at the doctor’s Office. Alcohol can make cold water dangerous alcohol increases blood circulation in the skin for a short time. Then exhausted but the heat from the Interior of the body. Due to the alcohol, the float then not more so strongly perceives the coldness of the water. Also intoxicated people tend to overestimate their own abilities. You can lose the orientation or stay too long in the water. Due to the vasodilator effect of alcohol, a jump into the cold water is particularly dangerous, as the circuit can sag. The sudden cold, the arteries narrow. Thus, the heart is under stress. The blood can supply at once so much oxygen, as the body needs. When the arteries then even more together because of the lingering cold, the blood pressure rises. If a previously narrowed artery through this stress response is completely closes it comes to the heart attack. To this, as well as other topics related to the health informed the health portal.

Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr

In time sufficient supply of vitamin thinking it is impossible to overlook D for health and vitality. Slowly, the days are getting shorter, and soon it is again. The gloomy autumn days to come and the Sun then goes in the truest sense of the word go diving. Predictably in this partly rainy summer that is body’s natural production of vitamin D with the help of sunlight is less than optimal, so, that there will be a production crisis in the autumn and winter. It applies especially in the dark winter months: low sunlight plus thick clothing D mean little endogenous vitamin production.

Then, so studies from Germany, show decreases blood levels of vitamin D below the critical mark, and at the same time, quasi as a consequence, increases the risk of disease due to vitamin D deficiency. It is already long rather than the widespread bone loss (osteoporosis), which is on the list. More recently have been added by vitamin D reduced supply: heart attack, certain cancers, diabetes, rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, and some more. It is so true to prevent. What can usefully be done. Now, one could get the idea that to compensate for the missing sunlight through the solarium. Thus the body’s vitamin D production is excited though, it is but at the same time increases the risk of skin cancer. To redeem the vitamin D-related risks against an increased cancer risk is probably not a good idea.

Also conceivable to switch to a diet with lots of vitamin D. Here, the possibilities are limited, since the number of foods with high vitamin D content is very low. To name a few are here: liver, milk, egg yolks, butter, fat fish, mushrooms and avocado. However, these foods have a cloven hoof: you are very calories because of their fat content. These foods, too much only to meet vitamin D requirements, bans is therefore. Is so only additional taking of vital substance vitamin D in the form of tablets. These should include also calcium as lacking broad sections of the population in addition to vitamin D also the minerals calcium. Calcium is necessary together with vitamin D for building and maintaining strong bones is and protects against osteoporosis. Even more: A reduced supply of this mineral substance can speak with an increased risk of cardiovascular, muscle and nerve disorders. The consumption of vitamin D and calcium in a Tablet has thus considerable advantages compared to the individual components. For OsteoVitum are tablets available. Pro Tablet 5g (200IU) Vitamin D3 and calcium 600mg. In General, we recommend taking of morning and evening on a tablet. Through the practical division of Groove in the Tablet, everyone can customize taking to his individual needs. OsteoVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of osteoporosis. It can help to compensate for the lack of vitamin D and calcium, and promote health. Anyone can OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) at pharmacies or directly from the company under 0611 58939458 include shipping. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN5858035) of OsteoVitum are in the trade. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Role Of Cytokines In The Body

The most important factors in the regulation of humoral immunity are cytokines (CC): interleukin (IL) -1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, which plays the role of proinflammatory factors, and IL-4, effects which are seen as antagonistic. The aim of the study was to investigate IL-1, 4, 6, and TNF- in the serum of mature male albino rats in the dynamics of cb. Conducted two series of experiments: control and simulation of cb stimulation by electrocutaneous receptor area of the tail within 60 days. Fence of biological material for research was carried out on the cc 1,5,15,30,60 day of hb syndrome. Concentration of cc in the serum of rats were measured by enzyme immunoassay. In Control of serum content of IL-1 was – 3,5 0,3 pg / ml IL-4 2,5 0,37 pg / ml IL-6 – 38,4 4,1 pg / ml; tnf – 17,3 2,5 pg / ml. At day 1 indicated: increase the percentage of IL-6 by 19%, IL-4 on 3% and the IL-1 decreased from 6% to 3%, TNF- decreased from 28% to 9%.

On day 5 the formation of hbs there was an increase of IL-6 from 81% to 87%, but decrease: IL-4 and TNF- by 3%. At the 15 th day of the fraction of IL-6, increased to 90% in the other faction – the tendency to decrease. At 30-s knocking was a decrease of IL-6 up to 77%, an increase of TNF- to 13% increase fractions of IL-1 and IL-4. On 60 th day of hbs decrease in the proportion of IL-6 by 19%, an increase of IL-1 at 4%, IL-4 and TNF- by 7%. In general, the overall thrust of the cytokine activity in the dynamics of the hbs is presented entirely rational form of response, characterizing it Phase changes of the primary pronounced increase in the level of both pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines at lower concentrations of tnf, a further progressive increase of pro-inflammatory component and a weakening anti-inflammatory effects in the prolongation of pain and gain of anti-inflammatory effects during the chronic process in the stabilization of high levels of IL-4 and inhibition of proinflammatory activities.