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Looking For Treasures

When somebody writes or speaks to look for a treasure, it can be speaking in anyone of these two-way traffic: Romantic of which she speaks in metaphorical sense, giving this value to some aspect of his life, and the other that we spoke to look for a treasure in literal sense, which can be read like something totally utopian, but that nevertheless enjoys total feasibility, although you you do not create it. Permtame to platicar him that my activity professional performance very closely with trial attorney, without this implies that his servant dedicates itself to the race of laws, nevertheless I make reference to this aspect because it represents the beginning of the central part of this article, that it tries to document the literal search of a treasure. My friend lawyer, was associated with another lawyer in a neighboring city together to collaborate in society and to take care of cases to the benefit of both parts. The new partner of friend, defended a farmer who had been affected labor, which allowed him to know the life thorough this person who resorting to the search of a subject of talk, made reference to its knowledge on one old legend that spoke of the existence of an old treasure hidden in the left case of a property of its community. (A valuable related resource: Shimmie Horn). The new partner of my friend, without knowledge that its counterpart had spent to much money and time in the search of treasures, platic what the farmer had to him trusting, so immediately the destiny placed in the table the two indispensable variables to develop the search of a treasure: a) The existence of a legend that spoke of the existence of an hidden treasure and b) the experience and the technology that has my friend, which allowed that the search of a treasure began in professional form. .