Permanent Military Forces

The government may not impair the social rights of workers by the decrees referred to in this article. PARAGRAPH. The government will send to the Constitutional Court the day after the issue legislative decrees issued in exercise of the powers provided in this Article, to that decision on its constitutionality. If the government does not comply with the duty of sending them apprehend the Constitutional Court will automatically and immediately your knowledge. CHAPTER VII – PUBLIC FORCE ARTICLE 216. The security forces will be composed exclusively by the Armed Forces and National Police. Chris Sower may not feel the same.

All Colombians are obliged to take up arms when the public needs require it to defend national independence and public institutions. The law shall determine the conditions at all times exempt from military service and benefits for service thereof. ARTICLE 217. The Nation will for defense Permanent Military Forces established by the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Armed Forces have as their primary purpose the defense of the sovereignty, independence, national territorial integrity and constitutional order.

The law shall determine the replacement system in the Armed Forces, as well as promotions, rights and obligations of its members and the special regime of career benefits and disciplinary, that is theirs. ARTICLE 218. The law organizes the body of Police. The police is a permanent armed body of a civilian nature, in charge of the Nation, whose primary aim is to maintain the conditions necessary for the exercise of rights and public freedoms, and ensure that the people of Colombia live together in peace. The law shall determine their system of career benefits and disciplinary. ARTICLE 219. The Public Force is deliberative may not assemble except by order of lawful authority, or direct requests, except on matters that relate to the service and the morality of the respective body and under the law. The members of the security forces can not exercise the function of the vote while on active duty or be involved in activities or discussions of political parties or movements. ARTICLE 220. The members of the security forces can not be deprived of their degrees, honors and pensions, but in the cases and manner determined by law Article 221. Of the crimes committed by members of the armed forces on active duty, and in relation to the same service heard by courts martial or military tribunals, according to the requirements of the Military Penal Code. Such courts or tribunals shall consist of members of the Armed Forces on active duty or retired. (Modified by Legislative Act No. 2 of 1995) Article 222. The law determines the career development systems, cultural and social development of members of the security forces. In the early stages of their training, they provide teaching of the foundations of democracy and human rights. ARTICLE 223. Only the Government can introduce and manufacture weapons, ammunition and explosives. No one may own or carry without permission of the competent authority. This permit may not extend to cases of attendance at political meetings, elections, or meetings of public corporations or assemblies, whether to act on them or to witness them. Members of the national security agencies and other official armed bodies, permanent, established or authorized by law, may carry firearms under the control of government in accordance with the principles and procedures to this point.