Pedagogical Team

Valley to stand out that the Social, inserted Assistant in the school, does not develop actions that substitute those played by the traditional professionals of the area of Education. It acts of form that puts in practical the actions that are given to it to propitiate a bigger security (physical and psychological) for the pupil in the pertaining to school environment. Thus, to think the action of the Social Assistant about the school is to think about the best form of contribution in the diverse areas that integrate the area of Human resources pertaining to school, such as: Pupil, Family, Pedagogical Team, Team of Support, beyond Public Relations Internal and External. 3. Action of the Social Assistant in the School Pupils? Elaboration of projects; Elaboration of subprojetos relating current subjects; To help in the improvement in the learning of the pupil; To carry through individual and group works; To assist in the improvement in the social relations; Elaboration of Portflios; To assist in the Adaptation and readjustment of the pupils; Promotion of partner-educative lectures; Accompaniment to the vestibulandos. Family? To facilitate the flow of demand of parents in the school; To organize, to co-ordinate and to give to educative lectures with related subjects to the family and school; To carry through individual and group atendimentos guiding in the subjects related with the difficulties in the familiar conviviality, emotional, pertaining to school problems, etc. pedagogical Team and team of support? Elaboration immediate of Work of the team, contemplating action/projects for the different segments of the pertaining to school community, considering the especificidades of the territory? Encaminhamentos to other professionals; Demonstration of daily situations to be decided; Improvement in the integration between they themselves and before the society; Relaxamentos; Combat to the Stress, Preconceitos and Desestmulos; I assist in the improvement in the quality of the work; Accompaniments to the gestantes professionals; Individual attendance, rescuing its history of life; It co-ordinates group work; Meetings with professionals.