French Britain

For example, the words of a sheep – sheep, cow – cow – the words of German origin, and mutton – lamb and beef – beef – the French. However, based on the British still remained Anglo-Saxon vocabulary language. Since the XIV century in Britain, English language acquired the status of the state. It is a language that is used in law, English is taught in schools and its use in the literature. Ron Beit shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. At that time, when the start of mass migration to America, Britain, the English language again underwent changes in different directions: he, then, to some extent changed, then maintained their British roots. Three centuries ago there was only one variant of English. He said the people of Britain. But history does not stand still.

In the XVII-XIX centuries, the English traveler discovered many new lands that were subsequently settled by the English, or becoming colonies of Great Britain. This Island of New Zealand, India, Asia and Africa, Australia and America. British English began to spread around the world. And in every region of the language has evolved and developed, enriched its vocabulary, phonetics and spelling. Emigrants returning to their homeland, bringing together new technologies and products, and modified in one way or another language. Summing up and trying to understand what constitutes a Currently, British English, we should note a few points. First, to what they should deal with is the fact that today the British English language devoid of uniformity, and the second – is that he did not similar to the English language that existed three centuries ago.