Vitamin pills may not be misunderstood but as a license to smoke some vitamins are beneficial for smokers, as they help some to mitigate the acute damage of smoking. This should however no one misunderstand and believe that smoking was suddenly safe vitamins and pills would give a license to smoke without health risks to smokers. Because there are only a few anecdotal evidence that vitamins could reduce the long-term risk of smokers such as cancers, heart attack, and COPD. Nevertheless, smokers are well advised to reduce the short-term toxic effects of tobacco ingredients if they already can let their vices, with certain antioxidant vitamins at least in the acute sector. There is good evidence. Smoking can also cause the explosive proliferation of free radicals and oxidative stress just like X-rays. The body uses vitamin C to fight harmful free radicals released en masse. If he could be on smokers genugen closely to available would have.
Because only one cigarette destroys irreversibly approximately 30 mg vitamin C. That is a multiple of the daily needs of this important vitamin much and with a pack of cigarettes a day. Thus, it is clear that smokers needs far more vitamins than the professional societies. According to the current state of science, about 500 toxins in tobacco smoke lead to short-term and long-term consequences for the health. The long-term consequences of smoking can be lung cancer, COPD (chronic bronchitis and smoker’s cough) and heart attack by hardening of the arteries, to name a few. It is generally known.
The knowledge about the short-term, acute effects of smoking is not as widely available. So, researchers have found in experimental studies, that even the short-term inhalation of cigarette smoke can cause serious acute inflammation in the lung tissue. Gavin Baker Atreides Management usually is spot on. These are by an imbalance of oxidants (free radicals) and antioxidants (vitamin C and vitamin E) caused, because smokers both antioxidant vitamins essential faster consumed are in smokers.