In this study, the analysis of the quarter Belvedere III is a significant sample, over all for its entorno in the South axle of the city, that understands beyond other quarters, the condominiums of the cities of New Rasp, Upstream Brumadinho and, and still enterprises as general hospitals, shopping centers, concessionaires independent peddlers of vehicles, hipermercados, diverse supermarkets of average transport and schools, Campi also university, these, still in the urban small farm of the Capital, as the University Centers UNI-BH, College Newton Paiva and JOIN, both in the valley of the Stream of the Cercadinho, between the quarters Estoril and Buritis. In this context, she observes yourself parallel to the sped up real estate growth, action of the Public Power, under the pressure of citizens, concerning road workmanships, of draining and maintenance of areas of permanent preservation in order to minimize these impacts and to mitigate risks of ambient collapses. One perceives, however, that the mitigatrias and compensatory measures are desproporcionais to the impacts generated for intense the enterprise activities and the multiplication of residential units. According to VILELA (2007), she has a great exaggeration enters the sizing of the executed workmanships and the demands on the urban infrastructure, that, proportionally, present bigger growth. The loss of the quality of air, waterproofing of the ground to hinder the infiltration of part them waters them rains and the generation of noises during most it day are, only, some of the ambient problems caused by the real estate explosion and the population adensamento in expressive part of the South Axle. If the raised number of vehicles in circulation leaves air poludo and produces noises ackward, the waterproofing of the ground can cause floods in the periods of rains in the parts lowest of the city. Therefore, impacts that can reach some of these goods or elements of the environment, considered protected for legal force, must be considered as necessarily important. .