Amongst some measures of the Reformation Francisco Fields, it was the creation of the National Advice of Education and organization of secondary and commercial education. This last one was destined to ' ' formation of the man for all the great sectors of the activity nacional' ' , constructing in its spirit all one ' ' system of habits, attitudes and comportamentos.' ' Of this form, Francisco Fields had divided the secondary course in two cycles of five and two years, respectively, first the basic one, and as the complementary one, guided for the different options of university career. The 1931 law foresaw, still, the creation of a national system of inspection of secondary education, to be made by a net of regional overseers. The universities had also suffered a new orientation, directed toward the research, diffusion of the culture and greater administrative and pedagogical autonomy. (DALLABRIDA 2009; MENEZES 2002). Observing the PCN of Geography of basic education (BRAZIL, 1998) Geography parallel marked its education for the creation of the superior course to the foundation of the College of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the USP – University of So Paulo – and of the department of Geography of 1934. According to Cavalcante (1998), the main objective to institute such science was to contribute in the formation of patriotic citizens in the pupils through the diffusion of nationalistic ideologies.
The author cites Vlach stops nations. In its interior, it had interests premncia of if pointing out each citizen as patriotic, and the geography education decisively contributed in this direction, privileging the description of its natural picture. (VLACH apud CAVALCANTE, 1998 p.18). This pertaining to school Geography was marked very by French Geography, many deriving professors of France, as for example, Pierre Monbeig and Defroint, with fort influence of woollen Vidal Blache (1845 for as many teses, courses and manuals, known as sort of life, as the proper author to affirm: Vidal woollen Blache introduced the idea of the deepened regional descriptions, that are considered the form, finest, of the geographic thought.