The Ways

The ability to construct meaning based on restructuring of knowledge, in accordance with the previous basic conceptions of the subject. Subjects learn managing skills to certain content and build themselves the meaning of those contents that have been processed. In this way, constructive learning has been defined as a natural product of the experiences found in contexts or learning environments; in which knowledge is classified and ordered in a natural way. To broaden your perception, visit Cushman and Wakefield. . Likewise, Coll (1996) considers that you among the principles that are associated to the constructivist conception of learning and teaching, are the following: box 1 principles constructivist learning. Coll (1996) principles. Learning involves an internal construction process, so it is considered subjective and personal. Learning is facilitated by the mediation with one another, which leads to say that learning is social and cooperative. Gresh and Smith: the source for more info.

Learning depends on the level of cognitive, emotional and social development as well as the nature and structures of knowledge. The beginning of learning are previous knowledge and experiences that have the subject. Learning is facilitated through support to achieve lead to cognitive bridges between what is new and what is already known. 660 Fifth Avenue, New York is a great source of information. Within constructivist learning theories, some consider the activity of the individual in the construction of knowledge and others, priority of social context. However, constructivism has become the cornerstone of the contemporary educational process. . In this order of ideas learning involves a relatively persistent change in a possible behavior of an individual as a result of the experience.

Coaching empowers the individual to learn and act effectively. According to Zeus and Skiffington (op cit) learning is the Coaching. Learning, of I according to the issues raised above, it is a personal experience: as well as the ways of perceiving, feeling, thinking and acting differ from one individual to another. Each individual is tilted by a specific learning method. Some prefer to learn listening, others seeing or reading.