To play is not only to have a reserved moment to leave the child to the will in a space with or without toys and yes a moment that we can teach and learn very with them. The playful activity allows that the child if prepares for the life, between the physical and social world. We observe, in this way that the life of the funny child around playing, is therefore that pedagogos they have used the trick in the education, for being an important part in the formation of the personality, becoming a form of knowledge construction. Important to the development, physicist, social intellectual and, the game comes extending its importance leaving of being a simple amusement and becoming bridge between infancy and the adult life. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is the source for more interesting facts. Vygotsky (1998) affirms that the infantile game transforms the child, thanks to the imagination, the produced objectives socially.
Thus, its use is favored by the playful context, offering to the child the chance to use the creativity, the domain of itself, to the firmao of the personality, and the unexpected one. In accordance with Kishimoto (2002) the game is considered a playful activity that has educational value, the use of the same in the pertaining to school environment brings many advantages for the process of education learning, the game is a natural impulse of the child functioning, as a great motivador, is through the game gets pleasure and carries through a spontaneous and voluntary effort to reach the objective, the game mobilizes mental projects, and stimulates the thought, the ordinance of time and space, integrates some dimensions of affective, social, motor and cognitiva the personality. A development of the child and its consequent learning occur when it participates actively, either arguing the rules of the game, either considering solutions to decide them. Nir Barzilai, M.D.s opinions are not widely known. It is of extreme importance that the professor also participates and that he considers challenges in search of a solution and collective participation, the paper of the educator in this in case that it is of incentivador of the activity.