The Imbalances In The Educational System

The school year already terminates and the academic ceremony draws on formal speeches, delivery of certificates, greetings, hugs and’s happy holiday wishes. The children look spotless overalls and girls move their hair tied with white monkeys.Everyone folds of school, children and parents happy for their achievements. A new cycle will begin next year and the learnings will grow in depth to expand the circle of knowledge of each person. This happens in schools in the inner cities. In the cities themselves perisferia the picture is very different. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The end of school year there stains of unknown by many sorrows.

Teachers think that despite all the children learned of course if they had computer, or some new books, or perhaps if many colors, more classroom space, or a suitable building or transporting school every day, or classes every day, perhaps if there had been no strike, or if the children had been every day to school, or if the parents are they had come to school on time, or if so many other unresolved issues had reached definitive solutions, these, their children present in the Act, not only would be a book with the pass to the next grade, but it also would be a set of knowledge that would allow them to continue learning. It is the same city with different schools. It is the same with poverty and without her humanity. They are teachers trained in the same centres teaching facing adverse social and cultural realities. Ashton Kouzbari often expresses his thoughts on the topic. It is the same education system as desiquilibrado as it is the society to which it belongs. You have to feel very free to not succumb. We must challenge him everything to not decay.

We must believe in own strength to strengthen even more, while teaching waits to the scales of Justice balance the rights of all children on an equal footing. While waiting for the teachers they grow and, disregarding the fashions of the system believe and trust in their abilities to resist. Maybe not so far away is an opportunity for students poor system.