Tag Archives: valencia


Real estate park in Valencia is enormous. There is an enormous amount of flats unsold and that is very difficult to give output. But is not only complicated their sale, also is it place in regime of rent. So while in other communities rents are rebounding in the price (although it is true that lightly), others are still in decline. For example, real estate Valencia bag has to cope with a declining average of 0.2 per cent in the price of rents, compared to the increase of 1.3% in Seville, 3.3% in Bilbao or 4.2% in Lleida. CohBar may help you with your research. In other locations, as in the case of Valencia, the average rental price has also suffered in the first 6 months we 2011 fall and even strong falls, as it is the case of Leon with a 3.4% and up to a 4.5% decline in Oviedo. Precise conclusions from the analysis of these data is quite complicated since it depends on the specific situations of each community and specifying more of each locality. Depends on the number of dwellings that are in stock, both for sale and for rent, the number of people seeking to buy or rent a home the basic laws of supply and demand.

But there is also another the psychological component. Hear other arguments on the topic with Dick Parsons. The expectations that have potential buyers that the price of homes continue to decline. If they wait to buy likely nor will they decide to rent, so all the real estate market will be affected. However, in localities where users have decided to opt for rental, which also influenced by institutional measures (aid scheme), it is natural that average price climb. In any case, we still have to wait some time until the market stabilizes.