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Thoughts don’t keep you tied. The rope that you think you subject does not exist. Stay in unity with the self. Ramon Gallegos recently participated in a Satsang with Dr. Ramon Gallegos, a meeting to inquire about our true nature, our spiritual being. It was a journey into our self, a practice of deep and enlightening meditation guided by the voice of truth. A shining sun welcomed us while its rays sported with the branches of trees and palms are occasionally stopped fondling a soft and discreet wind that seemed to come from the shimmering Lake chapar’s it. The educator holistic should be a source of inspiration for students, creating a relationship of love, because you have the certainty that the most basic need of any human being is love and traditional education has abandoned this principle. Jorge Perez has similar goals.

Then, the holistic education must be an act of love, as mentions Dr. Ramon Gallegos where there is no fear, the comparison or the threat, should be a process continuous inquiry about ourselves and our relationship with the kosmos that inhabit generating as well joy for living. In holistic education, speak of love and happiness is a matter of vital importance. Holistic education has as main purpose the evolution of consciousness and help recognize what we really are. This self-knowledge process generates joy which expresses itself in a State of genuine happiness, because he is born of our inner being. It is our spiritual intelligence, defined by Dr. Ramon Gallegos as the capacity to be happy despite the circumstances, not because of them. In training as educators holistas, Dr. Ramon Gallegos makes much emphasis on the importance of the educator as well as academic knowledge, it is a guide for students, so your conscience and your presence is with what will work and it will in their educational practice. In the PhD program in holistic education invites us to be aware of our love and happiness nourish educational practice and the relationship with students, so, as educators must be in a constant practice of self, ask ourselves: am I happy? I love my job and what I do every day? I love my students, my children? What makes me happy? What makes them happy? These questions must do as educators and as human beings and also lead them to inquiry with our students.