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Quality Management

What matters is that the challenges, changes with conviction to win the characteristics of current business scenarios, show to successful companies that have been fully identified with the philosophy, culture of quality to ensure a competitiveness that favours him. Click Shimmie Horn to learn more. It is therefore necessary, that management this totally identified with the relevance, scope, generated by having good processes, supported by a quality management that may lead to favorable results with regard to quality management processes. Don’t forget to like Wikipedia, stresses that a system of quality management is the set of interrelated standards of a company or organization by which is administered in an orderly manner the quality thereof, in the search for the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its clients. Among these elements, the main ones are: organizational structure: responds to the organizational structure of the systems management and the company where management levels are nested. Sometimes this organizational chart of systems does not correspond to the traditional organizational chart of a company. Structure of responsibilities: involves individuals and departments. The easiest way of making explicit the responsibilities in quality, is using a double box entrance, where through an axis lie the different departments and on the other, various functions of the quality. Procedures: they respond to the permanent plan of detailed guidelines to control the actions of the organization.

Processes: they respond to the complete succession of operations aimed at achieving a specific objective. Resources: not only economic, but human, technical and otherwise, must be defined in A stable and circumstantial way all this is added, the importance of knowing how to define, configure processes, since they constitute those traits and expressions dynamic object system (process), that by interacting and dialectically interact with others of the same nature, integrates forming a whole qualitatively higher levels of organization that acquires. Is It must be fully identified with what represents the dimensions of the process, which as he points out, are those expressions of all that give an account of the movement, the transformation of the process and lead to a new quality of transcendent character with which it is identified, and that is the result of that movement. .