Tag Archives: culture & religion

Long Night

The KV color chimaeren invites to the 01.08.2009 to a long night of art and culture under the motto of local art”invites the Union of artists of color chimeras on the 01.08.2009 18:00 for the long night of the arts and culture in the Bistro bar nameless. Following an interdisciplinary idea, an exhibition of contemporary art of various styles will be shown. In addition, perform partial readings of short stories and poetry. Finally, the event will be accompanied musically. On site you will find art creators like facing your questions. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has compatible beliefs. Prof. Dr.

Jorn Steike runs through the reading and Hendrik Boehnke include the reader. Among the guests, you will find more notables from the time-honored Bohemian Schwabing-West. With the artistic concept “Local art”, the KV was already represented in several pubs, restaurants and bars in Maxvorstadt and Schwabing. This is to the members of the Association of artists, therefore, just these two quarters again with art and culture fill, as it was at the turn of the century. A direct meeting between artists and “ordinary” people without reservations should be allowed and everyone feel called upon to contribute to the increase of the cultural concept in Munich. Bistro-bar nameless Fallmerayerstr. 28 80796 Munich 089 32 21 22 22 author/contact: Alexander Snehotta of Kimratshofen stone healing str. 19 80333 Munich T: 089-47 83 77

We All Must Muslims Help – Facts And Fallacies

Mohammed has Jews and Christians wrong facts taken and mistaken as taught Jewish priests have Allah’s word in the 7th / 6th century BC a history written, is claimed in the Semitic tribe who’d Israelites are descended directly from the first people and thought only of a single God. With this assertion, its own people was simply lied to, because at all times, the Israelites worshipped many deities, such as their so-called “Pagan” neighbors. The tale of the God of Abraham or Moses is a fairy tale entlarvtes by archaeology. Unfortunately, Mohammed had accepted this Oriental stories as truth and distributed as teaching. WHY WE ALL MUSLIMS HELP NEED! Islam admits no innovations or reforms, it is invariably cemented his teaching “for all time” and thus categorically excludes recent findings.

The teaching necessarily looks to make all people – with any possible means to Muslims! To lie to people, politically to go behind that. physically intimidate is legitimate, because there are only in Dar al-Islam (House of Islam / all countries of Islam) and Dar al-harb (House of war / all other countries) now, not time the stand and it secured now scientifically fact, that the Jewish Torah only in the 7th / 6th century BC modest parts written and only around 250 BC, finally completed was and everything what the legendary people like about Moses, Abraham, Noah was attributed to, inventions, or plagiarism of other, often much older stories of other cultures. The assertion that the Semitic root to the legendary Abraham from which are ultimately the Israelites to be originated, would have always worshipped a single God, is wrong. Contact information is here: hicham aboutaam. Archaeology proves the good God cult until the 6th century BC and also text passages of the Torah underpin these scientific findings. Muhammad has acquired some of the knowledge of the time in good faith. It is clear that his pre-Islamic Moon-God Allah not could have given this knowledge it.

Grand Opening Of The Religious Landmark Of Scientology

Get over 100,000 square metres of space Scientologists from more than 60 Nations excellent services and a full 5-star service that Scientology is a religion by the year 2000 on grew to more than double. These are more than twice as many new members, as in the first 50 years after the emergence of this religion. Because this rapid growth could no longer be dealt with, was built in only 18 months in Clearwater (Florida) a new building and landmark of Scientology – Fort Harrison – completely renovated. There is now a total of over 100,000 square meters of all Scientologists for religious services available. \”As the new Fort Harrison hotel\” today’s Fort Harrison was opened in 1926. It was the most luxurious hotel in Clearwater (Florida). It was also the focal point of the company during the great depression and the second world war.

\”1965 the rolling stones in this hotel wrote their hit I can t get no – satisfaction ‘. The hotel was purchased and continue under the name after some time the Jack tar hotel chain \”New Fort Harrison hotel\” led. During the 1970s, the hotel began slowly to deteriorate. in 1975, the Scientology Church bought the building and began to restore it. In the 1980s Fort was restored Harrison in his original state including the marble floors and the ArtDeco details that were used originally in 1926. Because the Interior, cables, pipes and much more, simply was out of date, the renovation of the Fort Harrison began 18 months ago. The completely newly renovated landmark of Scientology was inaugurated on March 14, 2009, one day after the birthday of its founder L.

Ron Hubbard, religion. The large building was completely gutted. Are done several tons of rubble from the building. Only the foundations were still. A few kilometres of new cables and pipes were laid.

Caspar David Friedrich

The pictures of Caspar David Friedrich, even today in many minds are remembered as one of the outstanding artists, who has gained a high popularity. The pictures of Caspar David Friedrich awaken many Germans in a way forgotten Home Romance, which was able to capture the painter’s genius in his works so wonderfully. As Caspar David Friedrich has revolutionized not only the art world at the time and even after his death, but with his oil paintings captured the hearts of the viewers in the storm. Also, the artist is also Germany understood as a mystery of the history of art, what ensures that his paintings still in the conversation remain. Because not everything on the screen held Caspar David Friedrich was beautiful also at first glance. So the artists understood namely particularly chasms in a strangely magical light to represent it, resulting in an endless fascination for the Viewer.

So that brought a whole spectrum of emotions, what art lovers both hot and cold can be cringe. Official site: Gavin Baker. There were for example the ice floes, which strangely sensual blend into a whole. Many here already thinking about the deconstruction of the Caspar David Friedrich could have known at the time but still nothing. Like all great artists, he was ahead so often his whole miles. Even after his death, Caspar David Friedrich also makes headlines with curiosities. So this was the case including the end of 2005, the District Court could start Hamburg Finally, to clear up the disappearance of one of the famous paintings of the artist. The painting, which was here to the debate, called mist”and thus once again ensured that the name Caspar David Friedrich is once again on everyone’s lips. Because the plant, owned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle was stolen in 1994 from a special exhibition. To read more click here: Dior. Because as usual for museums, painting each other given and so this work, what won’t long however his way to Hamburg found.

T.C.. Vincent At The TASPO Awards 2011 Front

Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent from weather informed with his concept of the well of eternity is Timothy C. Vincent, stone sculptor from wetter/Ruhr, setting new standards in the field of funeral culture. Continue to learn more with: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. This recognized the expert jury of this year’s TASPO awards and nominated for the prize in the category “Company of the year in the cemetery industry” his companies on the basis of this idea. With the well of eternity, Vincent has presented a viable solution for problems affecting different, modern funeral culture and corresponding regulations. The eternity fountain serves as a final burial for urns, after the rest period in the columbaria is expired. Normally, in such cases, it is common that a reburial is done anonymously.

Because there are still survivors but in many cases, the well of eternity as a place of reflection and remembrance for one meets an important task for the nationals. Because as always a concrete place of memory is retained. On the other hand one is reflected in the implementation of a well of eternity new form of sound, which is neither at the expense of the dignity of the deceased, even at the expense of the bereaved. The funeral in the well of eternity can be done directly after the cremation. This opportunity represents an important step in contrast to the General anonymizing and disposal trends, has been broadly over the past years in dealing with deceased. With the nomination for the award of the TASPO Timothy C. Vincent proves the high potential of its stone sculpture once again provided.

Also at the grave character competition of the Federal Association of German masons, Vincent garnered considerable success this year by winning the bronze medal. The TASPO awards are the most important awards in the nursery – and floristry sector, are awarded for the sixth time this year. The jury made up of well-known personalities from the industry announces its verdict on October 21, 2011 at the awards ceremony at the Grand Hyatt Berlin. Like Timothy Vincent informed interested parties about the work of his stone sculpture and its current Projects. Press contact: stone sculpture Vincent contact person: Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent reme-Strasse 20 58300 wetter Tel.: 02335 880503 mobile: 0179-1055357 E-Mail: information: