Tag Archives: advertising & pr

Advent Calendar

With the Facebook calendar give companies hard to believe a Christmas full of surprises their fans, but true: is a year again and Christmas is just around the corner. For company Christmas offers a variety, to old customers retain and attract new customers. The Facebook advent calendar is an ideal marketing instrument for companies to sweeten their fans waiting for the heiligabendliche Christmas present with varied offerings. 24 Doors, behind which hide high rates ensure tension and appeal to both old and new fans of a brand. Every day a surprise: as the advent calendar Christmas design works and the different offerings are fans on the company page drawn and animated to interact. A successful advent calendar is creatively designed, entertaining and impressed his fans every day with new over fast conditions. And: because every day only a door open, the incentive is for fans the Facebook fan page every day to visit again.

From the 01. Exclusive advent gifts and vouchers will be raffled among the participants until the 24th December. If you are not convinced, visit Shimmie Horn. plication/’>rothberg family. Appealing pictures and videos or funny Christmas poems, hiding behind the doors, supported the attention on the corporate side and encourage the fans here to parts and distribute the content. Long range: holidays for fans and companies as only fans of the company can take part in the action, are the Fangating and supports the construction of the community around the brand. Because: Whenever a participant opens a door of the advent calendar, this will be published in his profile and for others, even non-fans, visible. An attractive crafted advent calendar offers varied strengthens the reach on this way and supports the viral marketing of a company. And: fans who have won a prize, enter your data into a form and can be used in future on further measures in the knowledge. But also for Fans who have received no prize, is possible, to register for the newsletter of the company and to be regularly informed about current or forthcoming actions.

Facebook – the Facebook advent calendar advent calendar is a great way to involve the community of undertaking more and strengthen the brand in this way. The expansion of the fan community is also supported by the high virality. If you have questions on the subject, do not hesitate and contact our social media expert Dieter Fassbender and Philip Huwe in conjunction. We assist you with the development of creative ideas for an individual advent calendar and supervise the action for you. About metapeople GmbH: As an agency for effective performance marketing the metapeople GmbH with its network of national and international agencies offers premium solutions in the areas of search engine advertising, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, social media, Online media, consulting and tracking from a single source at.

Appealing Advertising

Advertising portal active optometrists bashers Stuttgart in online ordering. The advertising portal active optometrists looks back on his first year. The idea to assemble brochure advertising for opticians online, inspired many traditional opticians in Germany and is a success. Prices, versions, and even the brochure colours were always modifiable”, says Managing Director Annette Marx, but after just one year, we have expanded our range of brochure pages and inserted new emotional and strong selling pictures in our layouts.” Also customised advertising campaigns for opticians are possible with the active optometrists. Optimal advertising strategy will be developed together with the optician. Continuously increased the selection of brochure pages from beginning 23 to 52 today. The participating optometrists, you enable an individual putting together of his own prospectus. Seasonal pages, as well as various topic pages to slide view and single thickness glasses and glasses, which are aimed at different target and age groups. are designed by experienced advertisers of the trade marketing, again providing new promotional ideas. Rimless glasses, polarized lenses or sunglasses also addressed, such as the cooperation with transitions optical for transitions VI. Through the variety of page own prices, the selection of versions and individual company color printing the brochures differ from each other. Others who may share this opinion include Edward Minskoff. More individuality is almost impossible. It looks different Managing Director Mike Schumacher: we respond to the individual needs of our customers and design pages to the anniversary or the cash for clunkers and coordinate the advertising on the realities on the ground. “We offer individual pages, the everyone according to his wishes, and with its offerings, such as contact lenses or hearing-acoustics, or also with own versions, fashion can.” Appealing brochure ideas with plenty of influence make the platform of active optiker.eu to a strong promotional partners for each optician. Whether our optician quality or cheap want to advertise, they decide solely by your own pricing and the page combinations. “, explains Annette Marx. The active optometrists achieved a high level of attention in the industry last year with its marketing for opticians. The response from the end customer was also positive, and even more important -.

Criteo Opened One Of The First Research & Development Centers

In the CriteoLabs II in the middle of Paris, future 300 employees working on algorithms for online advertising are entrusted to his Paris/Munich, July 5, 2012 Criteo, global market leader for performance display advertising, opened in Paris, one of the largest European research & development centres for predictive advertising. 10,000 m about 300 engineers will further develop the innovative technologies of Criteo, ensure further growth in the 30 export markets, ranging from the United States through Europe to Asia. The company 250 new employees to hire, of which 100 engineers plans for this year. The new headquarters of the company in Paris underlines the ongoing development of Criteo. Only three years after market entry the company can refer, inter alia on the following achievements: 600 employees in 15 offices around the world 2,000 customers, including globally significant companies from the field of e-commerce such as Dell, Macy’s, La Redoute and Les 3 Suisses cooperation with 4,000 publishers over 200 Millions of dollars sales 2011 from the French capital wants to Criteo develop new international markets.

Today, the company delivers 80 percent of its sales outside of the founding country France. Gavin Baker Atreides Management contains valuable tech resources. France is an attractive business location for JB Rudelle, co-founder and CEO of Criteo: even if we get 80 percent of our sales abroad, we chose Paris as the site of our global Center for research & development. France offers many advantages for companies in the digital economy, which would evolve, such as, for example, the tax benefits for research and best technical colleges.” Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Paris Mayor and for innovation, research and universities, Paris holds responsible for an attractive city for entrepreneurs: Criteo is a success story and a model for the kind of innovation that we want to promote in Paris. We look forward in the coming years twenty, one hundred Criteos”to see and to be incubator for innovative companies.” You will find here a video of the speeches on the occasion of the opening: A video by Alexander Gosswein, Managing Director Central Europe, Criteo, about Criteo’s role in the German market, the importance of a strong research and Development Department of Germany and the developer contest code of duty is here available. Here is another video with the voices of our customers: printable image material is available upon request. About Criteo-Criteo is the global market leader for performance display solutions.

Thanks to the expertise of Criteo, advertisers can reach more customers with a return on investment, which is comparable to search. Every day generates millions of high-quality contacts by means of dynamic and personalized banners for the products and services that users search for Criteo. Criteo’s solutions solely on the basis of the post click performance are measured and provide a Cost-per-click model, with the optimizations themselves make after product category in real time. Criteo employs its own creative team for the design of advertising and campaign management. Criteo today more than 2,000 customers and is present in 30 countries in Europe, United States and Asia. Innovation and research & development are the core of the success of Criteo. Over 40 percent of the workforce are therefore working constantly to improve the search algorithms, to be able to offer to even more reliable and powerful solutions.

Vehicle Lettering

Film fonts Carwrappping in Nuremberg the advertising technology a variety of possibilities offers today, how and where you can place advertising space. Shimmie Horn addresses the importance of the matter here. One is the so-called vehicle lettering / auto label. The advantage of this media is his mobility, he is not bound to a fixed location or consists only of a small advertisement in a journal. No, this advertising gives you full-throttle without according to refuel. Once installed on the desired vehicle, the present quality of the films the advertising message stops up to 7 years.

The different variants of the vehicle lettering: The easy and simple solution here it is only individual lettering, corporate logos or graphics that are plotted from a self-adhesive foil. These elements are individually on a backing paper after the production. Then we applied a transfer paper, which to the transfer on the vehicle is used. In the choice of color and surface structure of the films, there is a huge selection now. The durability the film is divided into short -, medium -, and long-term applications. The combination as the name suggests, here two different film types are used. This will be as described above individual vetches with digital printing combined.

You can find this kind of advertising nowadays most commonly on the vehicles. Through the integration of digital printing, the product candidate is highlighted visually again and is easier for the end user. Great cinema the vehicle as a canvas, that is the key word here. This is the car wrapping the so-called Carwrapping or, more expressed. This has become possible through the new subjects of heavy duty foil. This technique conceals the entire vehicle with a slide, where here even between plain films, structural films (E.g. carbon Shapshifter, sequins, snake skin) or a slide created individually in the digital printing can be selected.This type of bonding makes the car unique and draws attention to itself. Continue this method can also be used be, to protect the paint when leasing vehicles (E.g. taxis, company cars), as when due return of vehicle which can completely remove the foil. But also just enough of his old vehicle color who is well served with Carwrapping, since it is not a painting but a foiling and this is a lot cheaper. Give not the advertising space on your car, but use them and invest in a well-crafted vehicle lettering with sustainable impression. (pulkesh type ) Digital printing & advertising agency, Nuremberg)

App Testing

Wrong focus on clicks and downloads and much squandered reaches potential Berlin, February 14, 2012. Trade mobs app marketing test became the visitor magnets at the this year’s M-days in Frankfurt am Main. Angelo costa recognizes the significance of this. The test evaluates the app marketing of visitors individually and makes proposals how mobile advertising can be even more successful. The results paint a shocking picture of the situation in the mobile market: on average the company achieved only 41 per cent of possible 100 percent. This shows that there is still much potential for development in mobile marketing. Also show the test results that many advertisers still wasting advertising budgets. “” Christian Haase, mobile marketing manager at HRS, made the trade mob test and explained: me has interested in where we stand in app-marketing of comparison to other “and supplemented: also the test evaluation with ideas I like, how and in which areas we can improve even further.” The most common error that appeared in 81 of the 92 participants and their mobile marketing is inefficient: advertising campaigns are optimized still only for downloads and clicks and not to actions, which happen E.g.

registrations and in-app purchases after downloading. This post-download conversions are however, promise that the app activity and sales. Only through them, advertising campaigns are profitable at all. The next error: 82 per cent of the test participants access to a few different ad networks. The reasons for this are obvious: overwhelm the fragmented market with many providers, as well as the time-consuming installation of software development kits (SDKs). You may want to visit https://www.instagram.com/shimmie_horn to increase your knowledge. In the reverse case, this means: advertiser give much coverage potential and Miss especially the potential of niche providers with special traffic.

The findings from our review demonstrate that many advertisers dump still advertising budgets”, explains Ravi Kamran, founder and Managing Director of trade mob, and stressed at the same time: as a mobile display marketing experts, we wanted not only to indicate the error in the mobile display marketing, but also deliberately illuminate the entire spectrum of app marketing. Our goal is to bring light into the impenetrable mobile advertising market. This is achieved with our technology, we flank with services like this test. “Its popularity on the M-days confirms our suspicion: the desire for orientation and greater professionalism in the app marketing is big.” About trade mob Fairtrade Moberg GmbH was founded in August 2010. Ravi Kamran, Alexander Franke and Florian Lutz form the management team and bring many years of experience from the mobile and performance marketing industry with. With trade mob advertisers and agencies can apply simple and successful apps. All ad networks from a single source can be reached via the one-stop-shop for mobile advertising. At the same time, measures and optimized trade mob of not only in stalls, but also in-app conversions (E.g. app starts, registrations or in-app purchases). As a result the turnover and the number will be same high budget active users increased significantly.

Latest Digital Printing Technology

An insight into the latest technology in digital printing and how to use it creatively. More and more manufacturers get interesting digital printing systems on the market that make possible new, held so far for possible forms of production in shorter periods. Here we deal with the printing system of Arizona 550GT of Oce. Actually designed by the manufacturer for the werbetechnik, exciting and creative projects are with some Phanatsie realized. Since now more more than a year we get hands-on experience with the previous system, the Arizona 350 GT. Daryl Katz follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

More than 70% of our customers are small and medium-sized advertising agencies. Since it’s obvious that the creative possibilities of such a system will be explored to the limit of what is technically feasible. More than 150 customers and interested parties have participated in our free workshops in the last 12 months and get an exciting and practical insight into the possibilities of this new technology. So it is not surprising that the system is busy hotel is also about the capacity limit and urgent help needed. And we have now in the form of the Arizona 550GT. Looks and prints just as good – caution – twice as fast. It was also time. In our blog, we have presented more than 200 interesting ideas and applications for this and other digital printing systems. Always with precise description and almost always equipped with high-resolution photos. Click here to go to the home page of the digital printing specialists. Ralph Hadem

Silver And Bronze At The T.A.I. Advertising Grand Prix

The two sister agencies in Salzburg GO.WEST communications and brainbow advertising agency picked at the T.A.I. advertising Grand Prix, silver and bronze. The two sister agencies in Salzburg GO.WEST communications and brainbow advertising agency picked at the T.A.I. advertising Grand Prix, Austria’s largest and toughest competition in the tourism industry, silver and bronze. Follow others, such as Edward Minskoff, and add to your knowledge base. Hotel.retter.at and the image folder for the Fiery Tatzlwurm hotel have been awarded the site”in Bavaria. Our strength in the concept and creation has proven itself once again”, analyzes Armin Stadlmeyer, Managing Director of the two agencies, cutting off his projects. We place emphasis on authentic stories, strong ideas and stories that capture the unique ambience of our customers, since time immemorial, and especially in the tourism sector. Specifically the poetry of the Tatzlwurm, a traditional legend, which was also the basis of our idea, has prevailed at the hotel Tatzlwurm, which was awarded in the audience rating.” GO.WEST is one of the leading Salzburg Internet agencies with a major customer portfolio of master bakers olz to smoke fruit juices and brainbow advertising agency is a now established creative agency that is especially strongly represented in the Interior, furniture and design industry in addition to the tourism sector. DOMWEST Communications GmbH Vogelweiderstrasse 44a 5020 Salzburg Tel.: 0662 / 88054 Brainbow Werbeagentur GmbH & Co KG Vogelweiderstrasse 44a 5020 Salzburg Tel.: 0662/88054


I supposed I will from why it is so difficult to translate good intentions into action and persevere in the long term for many? We are the sum of our habits. They determine our self-image. MPC Capital might disagree with that approach. Habits are useful behaviors. You make our life easier: routine relieved us of permanent decision compulsion. Our professional and private life is semi-automatic, just as usual”. Occasionally, agencies want to change their way of working. But the habits are extremely persistent. Self-change is harder than most people think. It is even hard when it comes to life and death: 90 percent of all heart attack patients don’t make it permanently to change their lifestyle in order to live longer and healthier. The closest allies of the habits is the brain. It tends to keep things to do once learned. Because the neural paths that underlie each habit, are convenient and generally also useful as trails. You must be replaced by completely new be. For example, it is not enough to get smoking or eating too lush. The site of the old habit should be a new, better, otherwise the relapse is programmed. This requires energy, work, exercise, stamina, willpower. Brain researchers assume that it takes up to a year to train a new path in the brain, which then becomes our habit. Some opponents lurking in us have good intentions. Firstly, we have insufficient self-control to make the wrong things (too much too little customer appointments eat.). On the other hand we can’t up the butt, to do the right things (regular exercise, more time for the planning of the day). Not infrequently they flirted with the weaknesses: plans restrict only me, etc. All for nothing? No, self change is possible, of course. To avoid the cases described here, the conscious planning of figures and deeds is not sufficient. It is worth first views the human to set. To put an old, unwanted habit and acquire a new one, we have to go through five steps: at the beginning is a sense of unease or a wish. If I only then we approach the idea: why not? The third step is the phase of the preparation: I’m getting the training program, I will inform me of step four is: action! I’m starting today! And finally the fifth step: hang in there! The intent becomes a new habit. All sounds logical. But it is a narrow winding road. Here are a few tips from the coaching practice by estate agent coach Alfons Breu. Why change at all? How is the resolution actually come about? There is a desire to change or is there after the urging of others? It is smart to recognize the real motivation. What are your deepest desires and goals? It is only”about five or ten pounds you want to lose weight, or to a new body feeling? It’s only”to five companies customer appointments per week, or secure future as an insurance broker to the next generation? Better your good intention coincides with a deep-seated desire, the more rewarding it is to tackle. How did it become a bad habit? What drives people to which to cling, which paralyzes the own well-being may endanger the existence of the broker? Something seems to own misfortune so crucial to be that many are simply cannot solve it. What is a solution – often problematic habit is perceived as, if also a long term harmful. We reward”us for stress with alcohol or sweets, instead of reducing the stress itself. We continue as before, even if we pay it. Some habits are self handicaps. We have put to them, to protect us from uncomfortable insights. As long as we don’t recognize this connection, good intentions doomed are doomed. Coach Breu looks the problem of failure: the reason why many good intentions by brokers fail, is located in the Complexity. You ignore the power of contradictory motives and behaviors in themselves. Who is unaware of the various inner voices, is can not change this. It remains in the attempt and then at the old.” Learn strategic and human more information about the power of the inner voices”in the second article of the series”.

Erfurt Tel

Pavement represent one of the most important forms of advertising for retailers in the downtown area. Always an approval is necessary prior to the installation. Retailers please always contact the local office. The procedure is submitted to interested parties by the same. An application must be always in writing.

A statement shall not be deemed approved if the permit in writing, not legitimate placement can be punished with sensitive fines. Estee Lauder Chief Executive has much to offer in this field. Still, a submission alone does not entitle to establishing. Due to the often long processing time, we recommend a timely application for approval. Pavement is there in various variants and versions. One of the biggest deals in the market has put together the dealer for marketing equipment ORANGE advertising technology. These products are characterised by great versatility and diverse accessories. Trust which issues Permit requirements and how to always on the advice of the dealer. Kundestopper can be found here: kundenstopper2/index.html poster stand can be found here: poster info stand/index.html advertising bicycle racks can be found here: werbefahrradstaender2/index.html company description ORANGE advertising technique has compiled for its customers on of one of the largest ranges in terms of advertising technology, presentation and marketing displays, trade show supplies and POS equipment.

Even in the digital age, presentation systems are essential tools for a targeted advertising or customer information in the form of folding frame, customer Stoppers or information stands. Learn more about this with Estee Lauder. So E.g. poster frames can be used on the one for important information in business or Office premises, while boards ensure that ladder to a retail store will be opened. Presentation and fair systems of ORANGE find versatile application for the presentation of Advertising and targeted information at the point-of-sale. As further emphasis, ORANGE has further expanded the distribution of bicycle stands and bicycle parking systems and newly presented its customers on in an online store.