Spanish Ski Resort

How to arrive at Baqueira Beret Baqueira Beret it is the more important ski resort of Spain and the one of greater dominion skiingable, and one is in the Pyrenean leridiano 160 km of the airport of Lleida, that has been released recently to foment the practice of the ski, and to 340 km of Barcelona. The most comfortable form to arrive at the Station of Baqueira is with car, although also you can use the bus. If you use the car to arrive at Baqueira you will be able to have a more pleasant trip, more comfortable and also more express, without having to make transfers of any type. You will not be difficulties to accede to the zone, nevertheless, I recommend to you that you keep some road map for the trip. If you go from Barcelona you must accede to freeway AP-2 Barcelona-Lleida to the N-230, in Alfarrs direction, Benabarre, Pont de Suert, Val d' Arn until Baqueira Beret. The passage is of 340 kilometers. If you accede from Madrid, is necessary to go by a-2 railcar towards Saragossa, to continue by the AP-2 towards Lleida, Taking exit 5 in the railcar A-2 Lleida-Barcelona, and soon exit 461, taking the N-230 in the direction of Benabarre, Pont de Suert and Val d' They plow. If you want to accede in bus, the nearer bus-station is in Vielha.

It is easy to locate since it is in front of the cinema of Vielha. From the zone that you are you can look for the way to arrive at the bus-station from Vielha. From Barcelona you have ubicarte in E.A. Barcelona Nord, from Madrid you must make the Madrid section Lrida- Vielha. Both trips make company ALSA. Another alternative, that is not direct, is to arrive in train, although later you will have to use another means of transport, since the train does not arrive at Baqueira, but more close than it has in train is the Station of Lleida to 170 km or the Station of Montrejeau in France, to 60 km You can later use the bus until Vielha, you can there reserve some of the apartments vielha. By all means, also you can go in airplane, but nearest Airport of Lleida is recently released, or even you can acercarte to the Airport of Barcelona, although in all Spain there are interesting alternatives to arrive at the Airport of Lleida with the purpose of to enjoy the ski. The direct methods are: car or bus, although the car by all means will leave you more close, in the zone in which you want, and with the car you will have more freedom for moverte by the zone and to know the sites the environs. Source: Note of Press sent by netdesing.