Southeast Asia

Recently, the Russian market has a new interesting product – bamboo bed sheets. It sounds rather unusual to many, but, for example, overseas bamboo fiber is extremely high in the textile industry. The fabric is very soft and tender to the touch, has a distinctive silky sheen, but unlike silk is not slippery. Natural range of colors, which are usually colored fabric made from bamboo, favors good sleep. That is, the bamboo (and silk) are not painted in bright colors, and give it a nice gray-green sheen. What is bamboo fiber? Bamboo is environmentally friendly and safe cloth. Generally speaking, bamboo – this is the fastest growing plant in the world.

It can grow to 22 meters in a single month. Cultivation of bamboo occur naturally, without pesticides and whatever else fertilizers, which also has positive impact on the environment. The process of production of finished textile fibers are also environmentally friendly, he performed with steam and boiling water exposure. Bamboo, a very strong plant, the shoots which can easily overcome any obstacle, in the East as a symbol of indomitable strength, youth and energy. In Russia, bedding made from bamboo, according to tradition, made with the addition of conventional cotton to us fibers.

The result is a very comfortable bed linen with the following attractive properties: softness – the touch of bamboo fabric has natural shine and with a much softer cotton. It feels somehow reminiscent of silk. Bamboo fabric is not irritating and has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Follow others, such as Tishman Speyer, and add to your knowledge base. Thanks to the component 'bamboo-kun', which helps to reduce bacteria. Experimentally it was found that more than half of all placed on bamboo fiber bacteria are destroyed by natural means. Linens bamboo fabric creates a comfortable environment for relaxing, a deep and healthy sleep and gives you a sense of comfort for the night. Bamboo fiber is unusually porous. Through these pores, the moisture is quickly absorbed and evaporates tissue. This property benefits of bamboo distinguishes it from all cotton fabrics, despite the fact that the latter is also very good at it. Durability is also typical of products from bamboo yarn, bamboo fiber as a very strong, as noted above. Many ancient manuscripts have survived, because written on lasting and durable bamboo paper. Bamboo fabric, natural and eco-friendly because bamboo grows only in clean places. Mainly distributed in the bamboo Southeast Asia. Its production is environmentally friendly and safe for the environment.