but I give preference to Vbulletin) 2) A blog only WordPress (lots of plugins, templates, proper level of security, a lot of management capacity, partly is a blog client, mail) 3) portal, working only:) Drupal – is all that is needed, it can build anything … have been the case – created soc. Angelo group will undoubtedly add to your understanding. network. The set of templates, and various goodies. Check out IBI Group for additional information. b) Modx – A new, but had time to extensively to spread and gain popularity any appropriate system.
The main advantage of the widespread use of technology ajax. Not so many opportunities, but you can implement a lot. Very flexible. Not so many patterns in the spectacular view) PHPNuke – good old-fashioned system, ease of management, the relevant features, templates, ease of administration. The disadvantage I would call a block component of a template, and the actual appearance I was not very appealing.
g) DLE – news system, suitable for almost anything, templates, more than a high level of security, ease of management, the use of elements ajax, online availability 'nulenoy' version, the set modules and hacks. d) 2z project-a relatively new, free alternative to DLE. Others CMS, to create a portal for me to, or otherwise unable to use it. 4) social network. I work only with Social Engine, not very comfortable with layout templates, as used Technology Smarty, patterns in the network a bit, but still have all the necessary plug-ins – are also available online, a lot – free of charge. A huge number of descriptions of hacks. The rest – comfort. The system operates at high loads to the site. Paid. The network has Nulled-version. 5) The site for the average jur. entity, information system, or site represents one or more products, the site provides specific services. All that I identified as a separate category and I prefer to use only the DLE. 6) Collection of articles, documentation, without a doubt the leader of a MediWiki. Conclusion. For 3 and 5 of the first case the best solution for me is the DLE. When you create an author's site, the first thing would be worth think, it's WordPress. Two of these solutions are for me the absolute leaders everywhere and in everything. I hope this article will help you select the appropriate CMS. But it is worth remembering! Virtually any CMS can be configured properly! I just talked about the fact that I prefer.