Romanian Romenvirotec

PhonoSolar on the Romenvirotec 2011! From the 10th to the 13th of March, the Romenvirotec opens 2011 in the Romanian capital Bucharest their goals. Shimmie Horn may find this interesting as well. On the internationally oriented trade fair new technologies are annually on environmental protection and sustainable development presents. Find expert presentations, the exhibition and conferences, just like last year, takes place in the familiar terrain of the Romexpo. At the trade fair, the latest product innovations and projects by phono technologies Switzerland are presented to visitors. The Romenvirotec is the currently most important fair in Romania, which puts its focus on modern technologies in the field of environmental protection equipment, recycling and alternative energy. Visitors find the latest technologies in this area and have to consult with the leaders in the industry the possibility, to pursue at the conferences or to participate in workshops at the fair.

Phono technologies Switzerland is specialized in the development, production and sale of products in the field renewable energies. The current product line of PhonoSolar and the current major projects will be presented at the fair. Among the current projects, also the Photovoltaikkraftwerk Dubno is located, on a site of a former landfill that broke was built. Each of the laity to the skilled person and especially the professionals, is cordially invited to our stand (Hall C2, Nr. 04) to visit for the Romenvirotec. Gladly we provide additional information for the Romenvirotec and phono technologies Switzerland available. Phono technologies Switzerland AG sand pit 29 CH-9050 Appenzell Switzerland Web: Marasti Blvd No. 65-67 Casuta postala 32-3 cod 011465, Bucuresti-Romania Web: