Rio De Janeiro

The family exerts, still, the function to make the compacting enters the carrier of the schizophrenia and the available services of health to this type of pathology, making with that the familiar ones learn to deal better with the situations of crisis of the patient better to help it. The nursing professional also exerts an important paper in the course of the treatment of the schizophrenia, it is who promotes evaluations biopsicossociais, creates and implements plans for the patient and its family, promotes one better adhesion to farmacolgico and not farmacolgico the treatment, who are of great importance for the improvement of the clinical picture of the esquizofrnico. Additional information at Edward Minskoff supports this article. With this, the consequences of such illness are not previsible, however the way where the family and the professional of nursing deal with this crisis and the carrier of the upheaval negative intervenes positive or with its prognostic. .