Ramon Gallegos

International Foundation for holistic education masters in holistic education RAMON GALLEGOS and the education of the 21st century by, Francisca pineapple Zazueta, Culiacan 2009 to carry out this test created by Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, holistic education is of great importance to my do it since they have left me a great learning, since I was a mechanistic teacher, so far understand the holistic which is carried to the education vision is what gives great sense and fullness to my existence as a human being and you given a great value to my life so as to have all the capabilities holistas that I’ve been getting through the masters in holistic education and this way I can support societypeers and especially to students. Since our current education this based philosophical and epistemologically in the mechanism, determinism, and materialism the 18th century, which has endured during the nineteenth and twentieth century. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion. Today this vision of the world generates more problems solutions, why is that It is based a paradigm shift that will allow us to educate differently, for a sustainable society and comprehensive manner, with a Vision of 21st century humans holistic. It is why in the course of this master’s degree I have understood that the holistic education is a new paradigm to fully educate mankind since man is part of the universe, think and feel if same, tells us that we must break all those barriers, walls and ESA manara create a circle to embrace all living creatures and nature with a great love and a splendor. Holistic education was developed by Dr. Ramon Gallegos nava in the 21st century and accepted worldwide, speaks to us about the main features since its inception of this educational movement, that have marked the way significantly. Holistic in 21st century education is a comprehensive process to restructure education in all its aspects.