
The software for the entire process of data collection. Kassel; Albacete, Spain 12.07.2013. TableR eoda has today on the useR!” Conference, the world’s largest conference for the statistical language R, a new software to the comfortable creation of complex table volumes presented. tableR supports the entire process also in survey projects of the development of the questionnaire on the evaluation of the data up to the creation of tables and graphics without media breaks. The usual mix of different software eliminates that. The data collection in many companies and public institutions is an important element to obtain new data as a sound basis for decisions. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gavin Baker Atreides Management.

Online surveys have increased as easy and affordable method of survey in recent years yet the popularity. Users looking for a solution that comprehensively handles the core process from questionnaire design, data collection, analysis and result processing and simplifies for employee and customer surveys”white Bracht, Oliver as CTO, responsible for the development of Tablers eoda, from many years of experience. tableR: A tool developed eoda a software for the entire process of the questionnaire up to table report with Tablers in cooperation with the University of Kassel and promoted by the lion of Hesse’s program, which supports the entire process of a primary survey and made it much easier and less error-prone than in the past. With an intuitive interface, users with tableR create a questionnaire, which is the basis for the further process to the result graphics. To XML, a seamless integration with common survey software is done by the export possibilities. By clicking Create table reports and charts after the field phase the data collected with Tablers are read. On the basis of the already created questionnaire, a pre-configured, presentation-ready table band is created automatically with one click.

Extensive configuration options allow the individual formatting and adjustments. Further calculations deskriptiver Characteristic values, aggregates, or splits in the tables can be easily implemented. Analog to the table creation process graphics can be generated from tableR out on the basis of the tables – directly. Is also editing functions to customize the graphics available here. The resulting tables and graphs can be as html, pdf, xlsx and pptx export. The integration of R with over 4,500 packages offering unlimited expansion possibilities tableR integrates the free statistical language R. With over 4,500 available extension packages are unlimited opportunities for data mining and predictive analytics. Conjoint – or time-series analysis, decision trees, text mining, and more are possible with R no chargeable add-on modules. Software mix and media breaks cause errors and costs in the primary survey a customer satisfaction survey, for example, is today characterised by the use of several software solutions, many media breaks and manual work steps: questionnaire creation with word processing, programming the Survey and evaluation, representation with spreadsheet and graphics software. The consequences are high susceptibility to errors, delays and unnecessarily high costs. In addition to the expenses for the transformations of the data and results between the applications, licensing and training costs incurred for the different solutions. Users who want to simplify their primary surveys with tableR, can register for the beta at. After the beta phase, the official availability of Tablers is planned for the fourth quarter of 2013. By Heiko Mahiskar