Provide relaxed for the age of the Riester pension and benefit from State allowances and tax savings. The Riester pension is the most popular variant of private pension schemes. With the Riester pension, everyone who is pension resident, has the possibility to supplement his pension. In contrast to purely private old-age provision, by life insurance policies or similar, can you get up to 200 percent on the monthly contributions as a subsidy by the State with the Riester pension and comes in addition to benefit from tax advantages and savings. More flexible and more secure you can hardly save his money for the age.
The Riester pension offers many investment opportunities, so there is something for everyone. Also the interest earnings are good. These vary depending on the risk level of the type of investment and the total duration of the accumulation phase between 1.5 and 10 per cent. The Riester pension assets the best-known forms of investment are the classic Riester pension insurance and the unit-linked Riester insurance. For better comparison here a small example: A woman early 30s with approximately 30,000 EUR gross income from an employment relationship in the year 2010, 2011 a Riester insurance contracts.
To get the full government support, 4 percent must be paid including the promotion the previous year income in the Riester pension. In this example the 1,200 EUR are in 2011, so 100 euros a month. Less State funding, they were thus EUR 87 equity performance in the month. With the classic version, the continuous contributions accumulate up to retirement from the 67ten age, approximately 70,000 EUR, interest income of 24,000 EUR and grant bonus interest of 3,300 EUR divided into a power of approximately 37,000 EUR, Government allowances of approximately 5400 EUR. This total is then approximately 290 EUR until the 85ten year of life transformed into a monthly pension and paid out. At the linked variant, are age at a stable return assumption of 5 percent, while the 67ten even approximately 110,000 EUR with a monthly pension payment of about 350 EUR up to the 85ten age. In contrast, designed is pure saving of 87 EUR per month, without the allowances from the State and also the higher interest income, over a period of 35 years significantly leaner. Here, they were roughly only around EUR 40,000 year of life together would have to get up to the 67ten. So why should you use not the allowances by the State, if they are already offered. Tax advantages of Riester pension in the example calculations still not taken, are the additional tax benefits of the Riester pension during the accumulation phase, by means of the special deduction in the income tax return. This is a further advantage over normal savings account deposits. Whether at all is therefore”the Riester pension probably less an issue. The question is much more interesting to the correct form of investment for one. What form of investment for even the best is, if one combines different forms of investment and which insurance provider has the appropriate conditions, it should be non-binding advice before conclusion of the contract. Detailed information and a Riester comparison can be obtained on the website of the riester Where to get a detailed insight into the forms of investment and can use the Riester computer quickly and easily.