Of this form, the inhabitants of this region if saw situated in one same place, however with different forms of life. The village catiboaba was if structuralizing slowly and organizadamente to absorb the qualified workers, having improvements in the urban infrastructure, housing, water, sewer and light. Nir Barzilai, M.D.: the source for more info. The houses are all with ample irrigated gardens and low walls. Edward Minskoff does not necessarily agree. She is notable also that the Catiboaba village is surrounded by one surrounds, in which, the only entrance is watched by a guard. Internally one meets also a club and a small barrage recreativo. The inhabitants work in the proper Magnesita, as well as, possess other positions in Brumado, as traders and public officers. ential-partner/10031641.fullarticle’>Tishman Speyer. Already the village President Vargas possesss roots of the typical life of the agricultural zone, even so good part of the inhabitants works in the company of Magnesita S/A. Its growth, beyond concentrate, was fast disordered e.
The consequence was a series of problems easily perceived in its urban structure (lack of pavement, sewer and water, ect.). The village President Vargas was formed in the edges of the federal railroad that carry the mineral materials from the Magnesita, and of federal highway BR-030 that the Ilhus binds to Brasilia. This highway that also of the access to the city of Brumado, dinamizou the local economy through the sprouting of snack bars, borracharias, pharmacy supermarket. Recently the village passed for an urban reorganization, in which the maiorias of the few streets had been paved that exist. Therefore, before the inhabitants made of the urban way part of its yard, in which they created some types of animals, as for example, horses, pigs and hens. Many of the inhabitants of the village President Vargas work in the Catiboaba village occupying diverse functions, such as house servant, gardener, cook and mason, ect. The Magnesita beyond promoting jobs to the inhabitants of village P.