The euphoria in the Argentine real estate market is over 9 September 2009 if you have some savings and you are looking to acquire a property in Argentina, don’t rush and look for any opportunity to purchase. Depression in the Argentine real estate market is tiring to sellers so it will not be too difficult to achieve a good Remover in the value of the property. The housing market is far from the good years that knew how to enjoy after the crisis of 2001. The demand for housing problems are increasing and anticipate that this dark Outlook for the sector will be maintained. Two of the main real estate regions of Argentina are the Federal Capital and the province of Buenos Aires. In these regions, the news were not for nothing encouraging until July.
In Capital Federal, quantity of writes had fallen by 38.7% in terms of interannual, in the month of July, while in the first seven months of the year, the decline in the number of writes amounted to 38.1% in comparison to the same period of 2008, and the amount involved in them, a 26.8%, as gave to know College of scribes of the city, whose professionals found by these moments with more leisure time. In the province of Buenos Aires, the fall in the total volume of real estate transactions amounted to 37% in the first seven months of the year, showing a situation of real concern both for real estate itself and those dependent sectors such as the construction sector and the elements for the construction. Mid-year, before the elections course, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner had announced a program of mortgage loans which would be generated with the Anses funds and granted by the Banco Hipotecario. The objective mainly aimed at obtaining votes rather than a real boost of real estate demand.