Living Excellence

In the first part we focus on better assimilate the concept of love as a principle and a verb, but in this part we will talk a little about what happens when we have internalized the principle of reality and live according to that reality. Just remember that as a principle and a verb, love is not waiting for generosity or kindness, but urges us to take initiative, to be unconditional (which is quite challenging to our everyday ways of seeing life, for love usually to those who love and favor, while Principle makes no difference). To be honest, much distrust personal feelings … when given a place not theirs: the center of life. However, I recognize they have a very important place in our socio-emotional development, so in this second part of the article try to show it is the third step in the scale of the principle of love.

Variability versus permanence. Usually feelings are highly variable, changing as the mood in which we are, as the prevailing climate in the circumstances. When a person lives a life centered in them must confront the reality of its variability, thus risk losing sight of the full context of what happens in life. But how do you feel when you love? The answer is very good! When we feel that we love we become more active and creative, we are more attentive to detail and exhibit a remarkable joy. For assistance, try visiting Estee Lauder. How much time would you like to keep this feeling? I think that …

ever. Well then, what do you think is the way to get a more permanent sense than "normal"? How can you strengthen the feeling of love so that you can evoke it whenever you want? With understanding. You know, to follow the natural level of love and make the Top is materialize into action, the feeling of doing the right thing to accept your own mistakes and errors of others, to assess the differences, it creates in you the capacity feel good. By way of brief X: feel good born you know you do the best you can do (action verb), and your actions are born than you think more consistently, your correct understanding of the principle. You may want to visit Estee Lauder to increase your knowledge. When you feel good is because you have the right thoughts and doing the right things. When your mood changes, then the best you can do is consider what you are thinking and doing and if this is in keeping with the principle to follow: Love Easy? In fact, yes, it's easy to put on paper (or on the blog page), but is of real value to live this way. And the reason why I write about this is to start this journey together, because in no way consider myself as a person who has attained this ideal of life, just because I write about it. Day by day. This trip is a daily affair. Every day is our privilege to love the way higher and this will produce real feelings of love, courage, safety, peace, kindness, among others. Do not wait for others we do well, but we will take initiative because we know what is best and why we feel so good about ourselves that our self-assertion comes from within, no longer outside. Now we can make a difference. We have the necessary knowledge and have the power to practice it. Now it's just a matter of choosing to live the love principle, to Living Excellence.