Bring to your attention the article, which aims to lift the curtain a bit, on this very interesting and topical theme, in order to find alternatives to answer the question: "Does liquid biofuels in Ukraine the future? ". So, what lies behind the term "biofuels"? Biofuels – the fuel from biological raw material, are usually obtained as a result of processing the stalks of sugar cane or rapeseed, corn and soybeans. Different liquid biofuels (for internal combustion engines, such as bioethanol, biometanol, biodiesel), solid biofuel (briquettes, pellets) and gaseous (biogas, hydrogen). Since the theme of the portal is ENGINE-MARKET exclusively ICE technology, the subject of this article will specifically on liquid biofuels (bioethanol, biometanol, biodiesel). The description of these types of liquid biofuels will be as follows: history of occurrence and fundamental discoveries, raw materials for production, production technology, labeling standards, use as motor fuel, the environmental aspects: the pros and cons … proceed to the disclosure of above issues … The story of liquid biofuels and fundamental discoveries Rapid development of science and technology demanded by human invention-quality fuels, which properly would ensure the work of new emerging mechanisms.
At the same time, oddly enough, originally it seemed more promising biofuel, which is used by many famous inventors and industrialists of that era, and only lower oil prices pushed him into the shade. History of liquid biofuels has its origins in the nineteenth century. One of the first researchers who suggested the use of biofuels, was Samuel Morey, who in 1826 proposed a model developed by him the engine that can run on alcohol and turpentine.