For example: Home prices drop. Many people find themselves with mortgages that are worth housing than they have mortgaged. That means that if these people make their balance sheet, would read: ASSETS LIABILITIES Housing Loan could be sold on the housing 200 by 200 and 100 today is worth = assets minus liabilities Equity = -100. This is called technical bankruptcy. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is a great source of information. What happens is that this person had a few dollars, some jewelry of his grandmother and some relatives who, given the situation and knowing that it is an honest person, give you a hand. (If I were a ninja, no nest egg or jewelry or relatives.) Of course, that person will not many joys in consumption. But there’s more: Most of the jobs created in recent years had occurred in construction. This means that coming-is coming-an increase of unemployment in this sector.
It will not be difficult to dismiss many people, because there are many temporary contracts. Many of these people are immigrants who have the advantage of labor flexibility. This means that if you and me, that we are gentlemen, we are told we go to work because our company Teruel closes in Santa Perpetua of Mogoda, very bad will face. .