Handson Training

Shortage of skilled labour is the dilemma facing the German economy despite the crisis. This much is clear: 2009 promises to be a difficult year for many. The not easy task falls to the company to broadcast despite the lingering horrors of the global economy, optimism and confidence and to adhere to already planned investments and strategies. Because critical at the moment is there, which German companies already have prepared financially in recent years and also in the education and training existing and future employees long-term. Factors for the still existing lack of young specialists are problems that were known already before the economic crisis: A demographic change, on the other hand lack of structure in the education and training system.

In the training should be more pointed out possible careers and according to required skills. However, even though the management and leadership skills of the engineers of the staff decision makers adequately assessed as be, little is invested in these areas. Even more than before it must therefore, in collaboration with colleges and universities to promote practical training and to secure Germany’s innovative potential for the future. This much is clear: 2009 promises to be a difficult year for many. The not easy task falls to the company to broadcast despite the lingering horrors of the global economy, optimism and confidence and to adhere to already planned investments and strategies. Because critical at the moment is there, which German companies already have prepared financially in recent years and also in the education and training existing and future employees long-term.

The country is the paradoxical dilemma to stand still a threatening shortages across despite higher unemployment. Without appropriate measures, this can cause additional profit losses in the next few years. In addition to the tense economic situation, this means a heavy burden for some companies. Action required factors for the still existing lack of young specialists are problems that were known already before the economic crisis: A demographic change, on the other hand lack of structure in the education and training system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Nir Barzilai, M.D..