33 of the LDB (LDB, art. 9. Ron Beit may also support this cause. In.: TO SEEM CEB 04/98, P.7 apud PARAN, 2010, p.13). Learn more at: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. The document does not justify the absence of the LE in the initial series, without at least makes mention of the existing contradiction: the foreign language is present in Basic Ensino of Nine years, however it is not taught of 1 to 5 year, saved rare exceptions for initiative of the city halls. If new Basic Education is of nine years, if it becomes difficult to understand the reason by which the education of languages is only destined to the final series. The used criterion for the Secretariat is questionable of State of the Education of the Paran for ' ' selecionar' ' the series ' ' merecedoras' ' of the foreign language and to exclude excessively, a time that, now, new Basic Education aims at on the other hand to the unification of this segment of education of the previous one where existed a division of these two segments: basic Ensino I and II. Since now Basic Ensino is one only, he is confused and contradictory to think about giving priority only to some series and to desprivilegiar others.
Face to this question, is that the project appears of extension that it yearns for to become the education of effectively official English language in the initial series, equalizing it with excessively disciplines ' ' in way that you discipline them to all have the same importance and if they establish interactions between mesmas' ' (PARAN, 2010, p.14). 3. AN ACTION COLABORATIVA BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY AND CITY 2009-2010. The education of English Language was initiated in the city of Cornlio Procpio in 2007 in the schools in integral time: ' ' Professor Anbal Campi' Nomia de Oliveira Bruno' '. He disciplines it in question did not have systemize contents and nor a legislation directed toward this level of education, the pupils demonstrated themselves disinterested for this to be only in character of workshops thus, few pupils participated since, the majority of them did not participate of ' ' Project Education in Integral' Time; ' , where the English was enclosed.