Professors of biology, geography and sciences, obviously without generalization, costumam to work the Ambient Education when they focus the ambient environment and asquestes. As, for example, of the problematic one of the garbage, the desperdcioenergtico and the ambient degradation. Thus, ‘ ‘ she is necessary to intervine in qualification processes that allow aoprofessor to base its work in solid concepts, so that the actions nofiquem isolated and/or distant of the principles of the Ambiental’ Education; ‘.
(Weid.1997, P. 84) It fits, to the professionals of the education to breach with the simplista way to teach Ambient Educao. Transforming practical the pedagogical ones, pautando practical pelacriatividade in educative as for the Ambient Education. Vistoque, ‘ ‘ It does not exist ambient Education if not to accomplish themselves in the practical one, in the life, from the necessities sentidas.’ ‘ (Pelicione and Plhilippi Jr 2005. P. 96) Osprofessores must develop one practical metodolgica sufficiently dynamic, continuous and not broken up when teaching the Ambient Education. Thus, ‘ ‘ odesenvolvimento of instruments and methodologies, aiming at to the incorporation ambient dadimenso, of form to interdisciplinar, in the different levels emodalidades of ensino’ ‘.
(law 9,795/99) It is distinguished, that, the Ambientaldeve Education to be constant in the schools, through action development, that, envolvamtodas you discipline them pertaining to school. mainly, through propostasinterdisplinares. ‘ ‘ Therefore, ‘ to ‘ ‘ cruzar’ ‘ , subjects, to read reality one second outro’ ‘ agrupamento’ ‘ – to interdisciplinar – theoretician and to intend to elaborate to reflexocurricular related with the Ambiental’ Education; ‘. (Cascino. 1999.p.71) Considers that the Ambientalseja Education process of a dynamic, permanent and participativo formation, in which aspessoas involved starts to be transforming agents, participandoativamente of the search of alternatives for the reduction of ambient impacts epara the social control of the use of the natural resources. (Marcatto. 2002. p.03) Thus, ‘ ‘ the ambient education comes to show that the human being is capable to generate mudanassignificativas when treading ways that socially take to a world more justoe ecologically more sustentvel’ ‘.