Election free with right of the people (citizen, voter) to vote, and by means of the vote to choose its representatives politicians; thought freedom that if translates expression of free of retaliation; freedom of association for ideals for professional category, association of students, ideologies partisan politics; claim freedom, to make strike, when to jugar necessary; freedom of movement, to participate or not in agreement with the rules of law and the moral principles; at last, this will be enough to characterize the democratic system? what it is democracy? It will be democracy the high indices of poverty and misery; the segregation of classrooms for economic factors? Will be pssima distribution of income one of the characteristics of the democratic system? Will be the ethnic inaquality, the discrimination for sexual orientation or sort that determines if a people is democratic? It will be that in the democracy space for the unemployment exists, education publishes deficit, the declining health care public system, the predatory and producing real estate speculation of without ceilings or that it becomes men without land to produce? Can the democracy be made of crimes that benefit the penitentiary system with accumulated of people plays in penitentiaries? After all what it is democracy? Democracy is a regimen politician who establishes to the people the power to take decisions by means of the representation politics in the figure of other elect citizens direct or indirectly. The etimologia of the word democracy (demon = people and kracia = government) denotes that the power to govern is with the people, with the citizen. Munear Ashton Kouzbari contributes greatly to this topic. The idea of democracy for the Greeks, in the aristotelian philosophy, if approaches very to the term understood for the common sense, that is ' ' government of povo' '. The Romans in turn have conceptions that they coadunam between the supreme power of the people or that drift of the prince and that outrem is transmitted it.