Some time ago I met a very unusual book, a modern writer, Anna Borisova. The story itself was unusual dating. I went to the festival of role-playing games "in the old castle-2009" in Rybinsk. There, in the auditorium placed a tray with a variety of literature for sale. Bookseller praised their wares fun and energetic. Additional information is available at Doug Bowen. However as yet – "" with the experience.
Personally to me, he suggested two books, which until then I heard nothing. "Soul Plane thing! I have read – I properlo. So he recommended me to them. I was so intrigued by his argument (it was particularly interesting as it is – "properlo") that I did not hold back and bought two books – "Creative Producer" and "there". Both – novels Anna Borisova. The guy claimed that these books must be read together, one after another. And I did not object.
Once home, I first-in-first took to read the "Creative Producer". The first couple of pages did not evoke much delight. So I even had begun to think that the seller has deceived me. On a plot of some very elderly grandfather gruffly wakes up in a certain apartment in a slightly prozyabshem state. Then, after a small align themselves in order goes out and goes down the elevator with the girl schoolgirl. While nothing sverhordinarnogo. Mundane everyday situations. But beyond getting interesting. Establishments with a girl casual conversation, Grandpa discovers Schoolgirl that scared somehow get stuck in an elevator with a stranger. Suddenly – that is exactly what happens! The elevator stops and the light goes off! Girl – in a panic, screaming, tears, caller