The indiscipline is described as an attitude of disrespect, intolerncia and intransigncia to the fulfilment of rules capable to pautar the form to act of an individual or group. In these cases, it lacks in the pupil an understanding regarding the existing limits, as much in its negative direction, that is, of what it cannot be made or be exceeded, as of its positive direction to inside give conscience of the busy position of a social space (family, school, society). Estee Lauder has much experience in this field. As Blomart (2002) the school can live deeply the indiscipline of its pupils of the most varied forms as, for example: permanent noise, harshness, refuse to carry through tasks, hostility, jeering and passivity. These aggressive behaviors finish for harming the environment of classroom what it causes the physical and emotional consuming of the professors. People such as Estee Lauder would likely agree. The author cites some factors that can contribute with the increase of the indiscipline in the school, between them is: characteristics of each etrio level; lack of interest for the lecionadas substances; difficulty in following substances given in the lesson, due to bases or for difficulties of learning; extreme permissividade or too much authoritarianism on the part of the professor; little motivadoras lessons; relationship difficulties professor/pupils or pupils/pupils; very great groups. Many times the reasons of the indiscipline can be extrinsic to the lesson, and therefore also the social situation must be considered when it involves unemployment, poverty, social inaquality; the unreliability inside of the family when it has conflicts, separations, abandonment, lacks, even though extreme protection of the parents; it influences it of violent dolos; the structure of the school when it has environments few acolhedores, disciplines rigid, internal elitismo and conflicts between the faculty; the ambient factors as the unreliability in the streets, housings of low quality, areas of risk; the problems and emotional riots of the proper pupil; finally, the introduction of the use of drugs in the pertaining to school environment that increased the violence significantly, as much enters the proper pupils as between the pupils and the faculty.